Go to your local web page (or )
Install Metamask plugin for chrome
Choose the test network (rinkeby) in top right corner
Unlock metamask (with your login\password)
Check that you have ETH on this network in Metamask plugin
- If your need test Ethers: please follow the rules on the page
Go to and click “Add ETH” button of website
Enter Eth Amount (0.1 eth is enough for tests)
Click Add Eth to Plasma
Wait 30 seconds
- You can check transaction status in your metamask plugin and look, how your transaction is processing (by clicking on the transaction in metamask. Or following by the link: )
Refresh page: should find new transaction on the website
- You’re Done!
- now you can merge, transfer and withdraw your transaction in the Plasma network! 🔥
npm install
node server.js
- Open http://localhost:8080/