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User Stories

Lauren Gus edited this page Apr 26, 2021 · 3 revisions

Sign Up

  • As an unregistered user, I want to access a sign-up form so that I can register myself.
  • On the /signup page:
    1. I want to easily enter my email, username, and password.
    2. I want to be logged in at submission.
  • When I enter invalid data:
    1. I would like to be informed about what information I need to alter.
    2. I would like to be redirected back to the form.

Log In

  • As a registered but unverified user, I want to access a log-in form.
  • On the /login page:
    1. I want to easily enter my username and password.
    2. I want to be logged in at submission.
  • When I enter invalid data:
    1. I would like to be informed about what information I need to alter.
    2. I would like to be redirected back to the form.

Ask A Question

  • As a registered and verified user I would like to ask my question.
  • On the /question page:
    1. I want to fill out a question-form.
    2. I want to submit my question.
  • On the /question/:id page:
    1. As the owner of the post, I want to click a button to edit my question if I made a mistake.
    2. I want to make my edit and update the post.

Answer A Question

  • As a registered and verified user I would like to answer a question.
  • On the /question/:id page:
    1. I want to fill out an answer-form.
    2. I want to submit my answer.
  • After submitting:
    1. As the owner of the answer post, I want to click a button to edit my answer if I made a mistake.
    2. I want to make my edit and update the post.
    3. As the owner of the answer post, I want to delete my answer.
    4. I want to be asked if I am certain that I want to delete my answer.
    5. I want my answer to disappear.

Search A Topic

  • As a user I would like to search for a specific topic.
  • On the navigation bar:
    1. I want to type in the topic I am interested in.
    2. I want to submit a request to search for that topic.
  • On the /results page:
    1. I want to see a page that has up to 10 results for that search.
    2. I want to select the result I am interested in and be redirected to that question.


  • As a user I want to either upvote or downvote on either/both a post and/or an answer.
  • On the /question/:id page:
    1. I want to click an upvote/downvote button.
    2. As the owner of the vote, I want to remove my vote from the post.

Log Out

  • As a registered and verified user I would like to log out of my account.
  • On the navigation bar:
    1. I want to click a logout button.
    2. I want to be asked if I am certain I want to log out in case I clicked accidentally.
    3. I want to be redirected to the home page.
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