In this repository implemented demo chaincodes with primary goal to demonstrate capabilities of Hyperledger Fabric chaincode development process to be presented at PGDays'17 conference.
An example introduces simple bussines logic for accounts management, presented two basic workflows:
- Adding and managing person information in the ledger
- Opening new account, which has to be linked to real person
Chaincode capable to handle opeations of maintaining records of persons in the ledger, supports following operations:
- Adding new person record to ledger
- Retrieving person record from the ledger
- Removing personal record
- Update person address information
- Providing history overview of person record change
For demo purpose person record simplified down to:
type Person struct {
ID string
Name string
Phone string
Address string
Chaincode which allows to create "bank" accounts, while doing this operation it has to verify that account binded to real person, e.g. has to leverage person management chaincode to verify the information before creating new account.
Account struct is:
type Account struct {
PersonID string
Number string
Balance float64
Commands to run for install and chaincode instantiation:
- Install persons chaincode
peer chaincode install -n prsnMgmt -v 1.0 -p
- Instantiate persons chaincode
./build/bin/peer chaincode instantiate -n prsnMgmt -v 1.0 -C mychannel -c '{"Args": ["init"]}' -o localhost:705
- Install account chaincode
peer chaincode install -n accMgmt -v 1.0 -p
- Instantiate account chaincode
peer chaincode instantiate -n accMgmt -v 1.0 -C mychannel -c '{"Args": ["init", "prsnMgmt", "mychannel"]}' -o localhost:7050
- Adding new person record
peer chaincode invoke -n loanApp -v 1.0 -C mychannel -c '{"Args": ["addPerson", "{ \"id\": \"1111111\", \"Name\": \"Vasily Terkin\", \"Phone\": \"0544444444\", \"address\": \"Moscow, RU\"}"]}' -o localhost:7050