Work in Porgress
Port of Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP) to javascript with emscripten. See and
Go to to get emscripten.
./emsdk update;
./emsdk install --build=Release latest;
./emsdk activate --build=Release latest;
Posssibly do: source ${YOUR_EMSCRIPTEN_DIR}/
Then do: git submodule update --init --recursive make
Run from repo directory:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Then open http://localhost:8000/examples/assimp_to_threejs_to_assimp.html
make clean; make
Building a debug build:
make debug
Update to latest assimp. Will have to put printf("...\n") statements in Importer::ReadFile() to figure out problem. Most likely need to add a cpp file.
ASSERTIONS=2 causes "RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded" This is supposed to fix it, but doesn't seem to work: On Linux and Mac OS X, you can just do NODE_JS = ['node', '--stack_size=8192'] in the Emscripten Compiler Configuration File (.emscripten). On Windows, you will also need --max-stack-size=8192, and also run editbin /stack:33554432 node.exe.
Using "-s SAFE_HEAP=1" will cause a crash on export due to mem alignment issues. They will likely happen in the material export. Look into "-s WASM=1".
For unbound types: Pay attention to ordering of sources in makefile. Also, make sure to include the appropriate headers in embind files.