Julius Caesar had to lead his army in the deep dark Germanic forests. The path was dark and spooky for the messenger
who carried the message. Few times the Barbaric tribesmen had caught the script
and read the content. Caesar
needed to find a way to guarantee the safe delivery of the message. Even if the script
confiscated by the tribesmen, it had to be unreadable. He came up with a solution, he devised The Caesar cipher
by shifting the positions of the letters in accordance with their respective order in the alphabet, rendered the message unreadable
if the person does not have the key to decrypt
Centuries after Julius Caesar, we are still facing the threat of confidential file confiscation.
Many people store their list of passwords in insecure txt
or doc
files, out in the open.
I had two solutions ahead of me : purchase a third party software to secure my confidentials
in local encrypted database or in their servers, OR
I could come up with my own cyber defense tool.
This is why coding is a thing, right?
is my way to go. It is a 3-layered protection system. Using Cipher Block Chaining
, aes.mode_cbc
this very script encodes the user passcode
, creates an Initialization Vector and also uses SHA256
ecryption standarts
and creates a very potent lock
Hard time for you, thieves :)
Seriously now, your password 123456
- Please do not 123456 anymore, y'all!!- becomes �Ԁq0~~\ƌ����K��7N��d��'�!�-�B�
right away :)
Use it, love it, and make it better!
I hear you interested. hm. Lets go to https encrypted website https://github.com/MYavuzYAGIS/cryptopy
(you see? security everywhere!) or just
pip install cryptopy-cli
See you there! Ahoy!
Image Source:https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcromwell-intl.com%2Fcybersecurity%2Fcrypto%2F&psig=AOvVaw2I8ymGpuOkaQS7gGFStNs3&ust=1599302530797000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNi807Coz-sCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD