For english speaking ppl: currently 'en' translation is not available, just russian.
Unpack files on server (currently tested on apache).
Make public
folder as server root.
Ensure that mod_rewrite is on and .htaccess files processed
composer install bower install
Tinymce bundle does not compiled by default. Go to public/vendor/tinymce and run: npm i -g jake jake
config/localhost/database.db (sqlite database) public/uploads/* public/assets/* cache/* tmp/*
Ensure all folders in path to database file are writable+executable by web server,
otherwise you'll get unable to open database file
In console run command:
app.bat core:install
This command create database tables (see engine.cfg), default site and superuser account.
That's all.
r.js -o build.js
Append config/engine.cfg with:
render_config_vars = "..., lib_editor"
[lib_editor] optimized = yes
This will create assets/editor/main.js