This is the FreakWAN image format, designed for small 1 bit color images. The point is compressing obvious patterns in black and white images, while resisting hard to compress images (especially dithered, as dithering is very random alike and difficult to compress), to avoid ending with a compressed images larger than the original ones. The header information is minimal for the same reason.
Before arriving at this extremely simple algorithm I tried other two much complex ones, one of which dealt with images in 8x8 blocks encoding differences compared to known blocks. In the end, while more complex algorithms worked better with certain images, the trivial algorithm that follows was comparable, since it uses very little extra space in case of hard to compress images. The more complex algorithms did better in images where there were more patterns to exploit.
The image header is just three verbatim bytes "FC0" followed by two 8 bit unsigned bytes "WH", from 0 to 255, specifying the image width and height in pixels, so images up to 255x255 pixels are supported. The first try bytes, "FC", is the "magic value" to understand if it is actually an FC file. The third byte is the format used. The format "0" is what is described in this document.
All groups of 8 pixels (scanning from top-left to bottom-right) are sent verbatim as a single byte, with the exception of the following sequence of pixels, called the escapes:
0xC3 11000011 (long run escape)
0x3D 00111101 (short run white+black escape)
0x65 01100101 (short run black_white escape)
When the long run escape occurs (0xc3), it means the pixels verbatim if the next byte is 0, otherwise the next byte is as follows:
Where b is 1 o 0, depending on the fact this is a run of zeros or ones, and lllllll is an unsigned integer. The value of lllllll is guaranteed to be at least 1 (so the next byte will never be zero if we don't want to mean the escape bits verbatim). This value, we add 16, and that is the length of the run of consecutive pixels. So this format is only used for runs >= 17 (since up to 16 it is just better to emit the verbatim bytes) and the maximum run it can represent is 16+127 = 143 pixels of the same color.
When short run escape byte is read (0x3d or 0x65), then if the following byte is 0 the decoder should just ouput the verbatim bits (3D or 65 in binary), otherwise the next byte is as follows:
wwwwbbbb (0x3d escape)
bbbbwwww (0x65 escape)
In this case wwww and bbbb should be read as 4 bits unsigned integers plus 1, (so they can range from 1 to 16), and the decoder should output 'w+1' white pixels followed by 'b+1' black pixels, or the other way around for the other escape. Note that this escape is emitted only when the sum of white and black pixels is > 16 (otherwise we would waste space compared to verbatim bytes), so the lengths byte will never be zero.
At the end of the image, the last verbatim byte may encode more pixels than the ones needed in order to finish the image. In such case the decoder should discard the extra bits.
Let's compress the following 8x8 image (.
= 0, #
= 1):
There is a first run of 18 zeros, so we emit the escape sequence byte followed by a run length byte:
11000011 + 0|0000010 (run of 0 bits, 16+2 = 18) (2 bytes so far)
After that there are runs that are always smaller than 17, so we emit verbatim bits:
10010001 (3 bytes)
11111011 (4 bytes)
11111101 (5 bytes)
11111000 (6 bytes)
11110000 (7 bytes)
011000[00] (8 bytes)
Last two bits are padding, discarded by the decoder. While we were able to save 2 bits, compared of the length of the original image, padding wasted it, so we encoded 64 bits into 64 bits. But larger images with long runs do better.
However we were lucky as our escape sequence never appears in normal runs of pixels. If the image was a bit different, like that:
At some point we would have...
10010001 (3 bytes)
11111011 (4 bytes)
11111101 (5 bytes)
11000011 (6 bytes: but it is the escape sequence!)
So to tell the decoder that we meant exactly that sequence of pixels, we emit a zero byte:
00000000 (7 bytes)
... other bytes follow normally...
And that's it \o/
The following algorithms are the others I evaluated. They produce better results on more regular images, but the additional complexity for relatively little gains made no sense in an embedded context. However I will left them here for further future analysis.
This is the FreakWAN image format, designed for 128x64 pixels 1 bit of color images. The point is compressing obvious patterns in dithered black and white images, triyng to avoid any useless information such as the header, if not for the two byes of image size (but right now all the images are 128x64 bytes).
The header is just "FC1" followed by the two bytes WH, 8 bit unsigned integers with the width and height of the image.
Then a sequence of the following bytes follow, up to representing the whole WxH bits of the image. If the last byte represents more bits than WxH would fit, the final bits are just discarded by the decoder.
00vvvvvv = 6 verbatim "vvvvvv" pixels of the image, as they appear
01bwbwbw = b = 0, one 0 pixel, b = 1 two 0 pixels, ... and so forth
for w (white) pixels. so 01110010 means:
2 black, 2 white, 1 black, 1 white, two black 1 white
10wbwbwb = Like the above but sequence starts with white pixels.
110lllll = lllll: 1 based len run of pixels of value 0
111lllll = lllll: 1 based len run of pixels of value 1
Note: in the above description black menas a bit value of 0, white a bit value of 1.
In this scheme the image is divided in 8x8 areas, from the top-left, to the bottom-right. Each area is encoded independently in the following way:
Each block starts with a byte where the bits have the following meaning:
ppp is three bits representing a number from 0 to 7, selecting an initial block pattern among the following, where . means bit set to 0 and # means bit set to 1. There are 6 possible blocks from 0 to 5, since pattern ID 6 and 7 have a special meaning that we will cover later:
Patter 0:
Patter 1:
Patter 2:
Patter 3:
Patter 4:
Patter 5:
The bit 'i' means inverted. If it is set to i, the initial block pattern selected by the block type is inverted: bits 0 will be turend to 1 and bits 1 to 0.
After the initial block configuration is loaded, it is followed by a sequence of coordinates inside the block to invert, in order to reach the block configuration of the original image. The number of "pixel changes" following is provided by the four bits "llll", that is an integer between 0 and 15.
For example the byte 0|000|0100
- Pattern not inverted
- Pattern ID: 0
- Number of changes to make: 4
After a block type from 0 to 5, the specified number (N) of pixel changes will follow. They are just a bitmap of N pairs of 3 bit unsigned integer numbers, rounded to mulitple of 8 bits. For instance if three pixels change follow then three pixels will be sent after the block type byte:
The last 6 bits, "pppppp" are just padding. Each x,y coordinate, where each value is 0-7,0-7 represents a bit to invert in the original pattern selected by the first byte.
The special pattern ID value 6 means that a "verbatim" 8x8 block is following, in case the 8x8 pattern can't be encoded efficiently as difference of one of the above patterns. So after a pattern ID 7 8 bytes with the 64 bits will follow, from the top to the bottom scan line:
........ First byte
........ Second byte
........ Third byte
........ ... and so forth
The special pattern ID 7 means "copy". It is used when the 8x8 pattern was already seen in the image. The next byte will be a number between 0 to 255 indicating which 8x8 block it is, as an offset relative to the current block, where: 0 means to copy the block immedialely before, 1 to copy two blocks before and so forth. If 'i' is set, the block to copy must be inverted. When ID is 7, the "llll" bits have a new special meaning:
i111xxyy + oooooooo
Where i
is the inverted bit, 111
is ID 7, xx
and yy
shift factors to apply to x and y, betwen 0 to 3, to the block to
copy. oooooooo
is the offset of the block, as specified above.
Shifting means to move all the pixels on the right (xx)
or on the bottom (yy), with pixels wrapping around to return
back from left/top. For instance the following block:
With xx shift = 1, yy shift = 2, will become:
A verbatim block (special type 6) will require 9 bytes to represent an 8x8 blocks (wasting 1 byte compared to an uncompressed representation). So the compression algorithm should try selecting a different encoding only when it requires less then 9 bytes.
For block patterns from 0 to 5, considering the initial byte and the following changes bytes, the maximum number of changes to use less than 9 bytes is the following:
Byte 0 (type 1, inverted, 9 changes): 1001-0101
Byte 1-3: xxxyyyxx|xyyyxxxy|yyxxxyyy|
Byte 4-6: xxxyyyxx|xyyyxxxy|yyxxxyyy|
Byte 7: xxxyyypp
So this encoding should be used when the pattern and the block to encode have a maximum difference of 9 pixels. To check this is quite simple: for each block of the image, we just need to xor all our patterns and their inversions with the image block, and count the pixels that are still set after the xor. Then use the block with the smallest difference, assuming we found one with 9 or less different pixels.
The special block type 7, that is the copy block, uses just two bytes to represent 8 bytes of data. However this is still more than the minimum space required by blocks without changes at all compared to one of the patterns, that use a single byte. So the following algorithm should be used, when compressing each block of the image:
Foreach block in the image, from left to right (rounding the image width and height to the first multiples of 8, setting non existing bits to 0):
- Test all the block patterns to see if we find a candidate requiring no pixel changes at all (single byte). If found, output it and go to the next block of the image. Otherwise we just remember the block type that required the minimum number of changes, and what this number of changes is.
- Test all the 256 previous blocks to see if there is one we can use to encode with a copy block. For each block we perform the xor to see if the whole block becomes 0, and we also test all the shifts offsets and for eacho one we try to invert it. If we find a candidate, we use it.
- If at step 1 we found a block with pattern requiring 9 or less changes, use it and go to the next block.
- Use a verbatim block.
The image data is prefixed by "FC2" plus two bytes header, that is just the two bytes WH, 8 bit unsigned integers each, with the width and height of the image. We don't support images larger than 256x256 in FreakWAN, being the display just 128x64 pixels.