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Node.js Standalone Application in Vagrant

This section describes how to run a sample standalone Node.js application which interacts with a Hyperledger Fabric block chain.

  1. If you haven't already done so, see Setting Up The Application Development Environment to get your environment set up. The remaining steps assume that you are running inside the vagrant environment.

  2. Issue the following commands to build the Node.js Client SDK:

    cd /opt/gopath/src/
    make node-sdk
  3. Start the membership services and peer processes. We run the peer in dev mode for simplicity.

    cd /opt/gopath/src/
    membersrvc > membersrvc.log 2>&1&
    peer node start --peer-chaincodedev > peer.log 2>&1&
  4. Build and run chaincode example 2:

    cd /opt/gopath/src/
    go build
    CORE_CHAINCODE_ID_NAME=mycc CORE_PEER_ADDRESS= ./chaincode_example02 > log 2>&1&
  5. Put the following sample app in a file named app.js in the /tmp directory. Take a moment (now or later) to read the comments and code to begin to learn the Node.js Client SDK APIs.

     * A simple application utilizing the Node.js Client SDK to:
     * 1) Enroll a user
     * 2) User deploys chaincode
     * 3) User queries chaincode
    // "HFC" stands for "Hyperledger Fabric Client"
    // we are using the path to the HFC because we have not globally installed the package
    var hfc = require('/opt/gopath/src/');
    var chain, user, chaincodeID;
    // Create a chain object used to interact with the chain.
    // You can name it anything you want as it is only used by client.
    chain = hfc.newChain("mychain");
    // Initialize the place to store sensitive private key information
    chain.setKeyValStore( hfc.newFileKeyValStore('/tmp/keyValStore') );
    // Set the URL to membership services and to the peer
    // The following is required when the peer is started in dev mode
    // (i.e. with the '--peer-chaincodedev' option)
    // Begin by enrolling the user
    // Enroll a user.
    function enroll() {
       console.log("enrolling user admin ...");
       // Enroll "admin" which is preregistered in the membersrvc.yaml
       chain.enroll("admin", "Xurw3yU9zI0l", function(err, admin) {
          if (err) {
             console.log("ERROR: failed to register admin: %s",err);
          user = admin;
    // Deploy chaincode
    function deploy() {
       console.log("deploying chaincode; please wait ...");
       // Construct the deploy request
       var req = {
           chaincodeName: 'mycc',
           fcn: "init",
           args: ["a", "100", "b", "200"]
       // Issue the deploy request and listen for events
       var tx = user.deploy(req);
       tx.on('complete', function(results) {
           // Deploy request completed successfully
           console.log("deploy complete; results: %j",results);
           // Set the testChaincodeID for subsequent tests
           chaincodeID = results.chaincodeID;
       tx.on('error', function(err) {
           console.log("Failed to deploy chaincode: request=%j, error=%k",req,err);
    // Query chaincode
    function query() {
       console.log("querying chaincode ...");
       // Construct a query request
       var req = {
          chaincodeID: chaincodeID,
          fcn: "query",
          args: ["a"]
       // Issue the query request and listen for events
       var tx = user.query(req);
       tx.on('complete', function (results) {
          console.log("query completed successfully; results=%j",results);
       tx.on('error', function (err) {
          console.log("Failed to query chaincode: request=%j, error=%k",req,err);
  6. Run the application as follows:

    cd /tmp
    node app
  7. Congratulations! You've successfully run your first Hyperledger Fabric application.

Next, see Hyperledger Fabric Client (HFC) SDK for Node.js to learn more about writing your own applications.