use "jvisualvm.exe -J-Dorg.netbeans.profiler.separateConsole=true" for performance testing
Loads of skyboxes ""
- Fix bugs
Fix center cursor when moving the camera Add Java export format Spread textures UVs Fix cursor in UV mode Buttons to show/hide panels Documentation Option to hide/show model tree and material list Last actions panel Several textures per cube Custom UVs in cubes Join/split objects Join triangles into quads Custom skybox Add rotation pivot to cubes
export hitbox dialog detect duplicated shapes change scale to be directional add groups for config bindings mirror textures X and Y wireframe mode Flip axis in selection translation relative 3d selection Dummy data in object to use cube edit controls Background images in ortho projection Open changelog Open last backup, Open backupfolder Search bar in config menu Screen key display Split by selection (move selected faces to a different obj) sub-divide cube extrude edge to make a new panel make face based on vertex/edge selection c for convert (obj to mesh, mesh to obj) remove doubles (duplicated vertices/edges/faces)
Add plugin api Add keys in react tree, so you can use paths Add render event to be able to change or add stuff to the gui, probably allowing customs props? Unit tests, more tests, test all model Donate button, why not? Be able to change skybox texture showcase option, just keep the camera rotating around the model Center camera when something is selected select
Minecraft transformations preview (hand, hat, ground, etc) Game sync (update in editor, change in game at the same time)