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Version Documentation License: AGPL--3.0 Java CI with Maven

  • buissness and technology communication channel:

What 's FizzGate?

An Aggregation API Gateway in Java. FizzGate is a microservice aggregation gateway developed in Java, a domestic alternative for application gateways with independent intellectual property. It enables hot service orchestration aggregation, automatic authorization selection, online service script coding, online testing, high-performance routing, API audit management, callback management, etc. With a powerful custom plugin system, it can be extended and provides a friendly graphical configuration interface to help enterprises quickly implement API service governance, reduce middleware code, lower coding investment, and improve the stability and security of API services.


In order to provide better services to everyone, the community version no longer provides any technical consultation. For the commercial version, please add Enterprise WeChat for business support.

account/password:Please contact the official enterprise WeChat to obtain

health checking url:

API access:[Service Name]/[API Path]

Design Philosophy

Intelligent interface, minimal dependencies, comprehensive features, and easy deployment. We strive for a simple and clear interface design, aiming to simplify complex configuration steps and operations to meet the needs of users at different levels. This enables developers, operations personnel, and others to efficiently manage and configure the system.

  • Intelligent Interface: FizzGate focuses on intelligent design to enhance user experience. When users input data, the system will provide automatic input features whenever possible, reducing the complexity of user operations. Additionally, real-time prompts and reminders will be provided near the input area to assist users in configuring and operating the system quickly and accurately.
  • Minimal Dependencies: FizzGate is designed with careful consideration of external middleware and third-party dependencies, ensuring no intrusion into existing systems. Most features are based on self-developed technologies, minimizing the need for external dependencies, reducing resource consumption during deployment, while maintaining system efficiency and maintainability. This design makes FizzGate more stable and flexible for deployment within corporate networks.
  • Comprehensive Features: FizzGate covers the entire API lifecycle management, supporting various stages including API definition, integration, data masking, traceability, and security protection, thereby improving API management efficiency. As one of the most feature-rich products on the market, FizzGate offers a complete enterprise-level solution, helping companies achieve efficient and secure API management.
  • Easy Deployment: FizzGate has been designed with enterprise deployment requirements in mind, supporting disaster recovery needs for small and medium enterprises, as well as large-scale cluster deployments and geographically distributed deployments for larger enterprises. The deployment process is quick and simple, with deployment issues solved in less than a minute.

Supported Architectures

Supports arm64/amd64/x86/x86_64 architectures, compatible with Mac, Windows, and Linux, and supports Xinchuang components such as Kirin V10 and Dameng V8.

FizzGate's Design

FizzGate's typical scene

Product Features

API Management

  • Application Management: Supports management of integrated applications.
  • API Management: Supports backend service configuration after API definition.
  • Group Management: Supports managing API-related configurations by grouping them.
  • Service Authentication: Through plugins, the service can apply access control, verification, and other chain interception strategies.
  • Cluster Management: FizzGate gateway nodes are stateless, with configuration information automatically synchronized. It supports horizontal scaling of nodes and multi-cluster deployment.
  • Security Authorization: Supports built-in authorization methods such as key-auth, JWT, and basic-auth, with easy control.
  • Load Balancing: Supports round-robin load balancing.
  • Circuit Breaker: Supports various recovery strategies and circuit breaker configurations based on services or specific addresses.
  • Multiple Registries: Supports service discovery from Eureka or Nacos. Configuration Center: Supports integration with Apollo configuration center.
  • HTTP Reverse Proxy: Hides real backend services and supports REST API reverse proxy.
  • Access Policies: Supports different access strategies for different APIs, with configurable authentication settings.
  • Blacklist/Whitelist: Supports configuring access restrictions via blacklists and whitelists.
  • Custom Plugins: A powerful plugin mechanism that allows for free expansion.
  • Extensible: The easy-to-use plugin mechanism facilitates function extension.
  • High Performance: Outstanding performance among numerous gateways.
  • Management Backend: Configures the gateway cluster through the management interface.
  • Replay Management: Supports management, subscription, replay, and logging of callbacks.
  • Multi-level Rate Limiting: Detailed rate-limiting methods, including service-level, interface-level, APP_ID-level, and IP-level rate limits.
  • Microservice Documentation: Enterprise-level management for open microservice documentation, simplifying system integration.
  • Public Network Dedicated Line: Establishes a fully protected private connection in the public network.
  • Transparent Proxy: Supports transparent proxy chaining.

API Integration

  • Service Orchestration: Supports hot service orchestration for HTTP, Dubbo, gRPC, and Soap protocols. Supports both frontend and backend encoding and JSON/XML output, allowing updates to the API anytime, anywhere.
  • Version Control: Supports the release of operations and multiple rollbacks.
  • Integration Testing: Provides API integration testing to ensure API interface reliability and availability.
  • Release Approval: Supports an approval process for API orchestration releases.

API Data Masking

  • Classification and Leveling: Supports the classification and hierarchical management of sensitive data, enabling reasonable masking strategies.
  • API Data Masking: Supports masking sensitive data in APIs, both structured and unstructured.
  • Masking Strategies: Supports visual masking strategy configurations, applying these strategies based on context.
  • Sensitive Data Recognition: Supports the identification of sensitive data in APIs.

API Traceability

  • Web File Watermark: Supports adding visible watermarks to proxy pages. Supports types such as HTML, Word/Excel/PPT/PDF, PNG/JPEG/TIFF, etc.
  • Leak Traceability: Supports tracing all contexts and terminal information of data queries related to leaks. Supports types such as JSON/HTML, Word/Excel/PPT/PDF, PNG/JPEG/TIFF, etc.

API Security (Bypass Analysis)

  • Asset Analysis: Analyzes and manages API security assets, generating API specifications to help detect potential security risks.
  • API Vulnerabilities: Scans and reports security vulnerabilities in API interfaces, improving API security.
  • API Anomalies: Supports anomaly detection for API access, enabling prompt response to abnormal behaviors.
  • API Blocking: Automatically or manually blocks API access upon detecting anomalies to prevent attack spread.


We compare FzzGate with the major gateway products on the market, using the same environment and conditions, and the test objects are under single node. The Mock interface simulates a 20ms latency with a packet size of about 2K.

  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz * 4
  • Linux version 3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64
  • 8G RAM
Category Product name QPS of
600 connections
90% Latency(ms) of
600 connections
QPS of
1000 connections
90% Latency(ms) of
1000 connections
Backend Service direct access 23540 32.19 27325 52.09
Traffic Gateway kong
15662 50.87 17152 84.3
Application Gateway fizz-gateway-node
12206 65.76 12766 100.34
Application Gateway spring-cloud-gateway
11323 68.57 10472 127.59
Application Gateway shenyu
9284 92.98 9939 148.61

Version comparison

  • fizz-gateway-node: Community Edition

  • fizz-manager-professional:Management backend professional version (backend)

  • fizz-admin-professional:Management backend professional version (frontend)

fizz-gateway-node fizz-manager-professional fizz-admin-professional
v1.0.0 v1.0.0 v1.0.0
v1.1.0 v1.1.0 v1.1.0
v1.1.1 v1.1.1 v1.1.1
v1.2.0 v1.2.0 v1.2.0

Starting from v1.3.0, the frontend and backend of the management backend are merged into one package

  • fizz-gateway-node: Community Edition

  • fizz-manager-professional:Management backend professional version

fizz-gateway-node fizz-manager-professional
v1.3.0 v1.3.0
... ...
v3.0.0 v3.0.0
v3.1.0 v3.1.0
v3.2.0 v3.2.0
v3.3.0 v3.3.0
v3.5.0 v3.5.0
v3.5.1 v3.5.1
v3.6.0 v3.6.0

The versions prior to 3.0.0 are no longer maintained. Please download the corresponding management backend version based on the node version.

One-click Installation

wget && bash

Explanation: The one-click installation package uses docker-compose for installation, and the YML file has the image proxy pre-configured. If you have already downloaded the docker-compose.yml file, please delete it and download it again. Before installation, please add the proxy image address.

sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json <<EOF
    "registry-mirrors": [""]

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker

Deployment instructions

Detailed deployment tutorial>>>

Installation dependencies

Install the following dependent software:

-Redis v2.8 or above -MySQL v5.7 or above -Apollo Configuration Center (optional) -Eureka v1.10.17 or Nacos (v2.0.4 or above) Service Registry (optional)

Dependent installation can refer to detailed deployment tutorial

Install FizzGate

一、Install management backend

Download the fizz-manager-professional installation package from Download

Management backend (fizz-manager-professional)


  1. The {version} that appears in the following installation steps represents the version number of the management backend used, such as 1.3.0.

installation method 1: binary package:

  1. Unzip the fizz-manager-professional-{version}.zip installation package
  2. For the first installation, execute the fizz-manager-professional-{version}-mysql.sql database script, upgrade from a low version to a high version, and choose to execute the corresponding upgrade script in the update directory
  3. Modify the application-prod.yml file, and modify the relevant configuration to the configuration of the deployment environment
  4. Linux startup Execute the chmod +x command to increase the execution authority of; execute the ./ start command to start the service, support start/stop/restart/status commands
  5. Windows startup Execute .\boot.cmd start command to start the service, support start/stop/restart/status command

Installation method 2: docker:

Extract SQL script from fizz-manager-professional package

For the first installation, execute the fizz-manager-professional-{version}-mysql.sql database script, upgrade from a low version to a high version, and choose to execute the corresponding upgrade script in the update directory

  1. Download docker image:docker pull fizzgate/fizz-manager-professional:{version}
  2. Modify Redis & database configuration by env parameters and run with below docker command
docker run --rm -d -p 8000:8000 \
-e "{your redis host IP}" \
-e "spring.redis.port={your redis port}" \
-e "spring.redis.password={your redis password}" \
-e "spring.redis.database={your redis database}" \
-e "spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://{your MySQL database host IP}:3306/fizz_manager?useSSL=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&transformedBitIsBoolean=true&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8&nullCatalogMeansCurrent=true&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true" \
-e "spring.datasource.username={your MySQL database username}" \
-e "spring.datasource.password={your MySQL database password}" \

or using external configuration file and output log to host server by mount volume, configuration file could be achieved from binary package, create fizz-manager-professional/config and fizz-manager-professional/logs directories in host server, place application-prod.yml configuration files to config folder, run with below docker command in fizz-manager-professional folder:

cd fizz-manager-professional
docker run --rm -d -p 8000:8000 \
-v $PWD/config:/opt/fizz-manager-professional/config \
-v $PWD/logs:/opt/fizz-manager-professional/logs fizzgate/fizz-manager-professional:{version}

After the service is started, visit http://{deployment machine IP address}:8000/#/login, and log in with the super administrator account admin password Aa123!

二、Install fizz-gateway-node community edition


  1. Support configuration center: apollo, nacos, support registration center: eureka, nacos.refer to application.yml file with more detailed configurations.
  2. If you use the apollo configuration center, you can move the content of the application.yml file to the configuration center (the application name on apollo is: fizz-gateway); if you don't use apollo, you can remove the apollo parameter in the startup command below.
  3. The {version} that appears in the following installation steps represents the version number of the gateway used, such as 1.3.0.

Installation method 1: binary package:

  1. Download the latest binary package of fizz-gateway-node and upzip to a directory, modify the configuration of the configuration center, registry, and redis in the application.yml configuration file (redis configuration needs to be consistent with the management backend).
  2. Modify the apollo connection and JVM memory configuration of the script
  3. Linux startup Execute ./ start command to start the service, support start/stop/restart/status command
  4. Windows startup Execute .\boot.cmd start command to start the service, support start/stop/restart/status command

Installation method 2: source code:

  1. The latest code on the local clone warehouse, modify the configuration of the configuration center, registry, and redis in the application.yml configuration file (redis configuration needs to be consistent with the management backend)
  2. Execute the Maven command mvn clean package install -DskipTests=true package in the project root directory fizz-gateway-node
  3. Execute the Maven command mvn clean package -DskipTests=true package in the project directory fizz-gateway-node/fizz-bootstrap
  4. Enter fizz-gateway-node/fizz-bootstrap/target/fizz-gateway-node directory and Execute ./ start command to start the service, support start/stop/restart/status command

Installation method 3: docker:

  1. Download docker image:docker pull fizzgate/fizz-gateway-node:{version}
  2. Modify Redis configuration by env parameters and run with below docker command
docker run --rm -d -p 8600:8600 \
-e "{your redis host IP}" \
-e "aggregate.redis.port={your redis port}" \
-e "aggregate.redis.password={your redis password}" \
-e "aggregate.redis.database={your redis database}" \

or using external configuration file and output log to host server by mount volume, configuration file could be achieved from source code or binary package, create fizz-gateway-node/config and fizz-gateway-node/logs directories in host server, place application.yml and log4j2-spring.xml configuration files to config folder, run with below docker command in fizz-gateway-node folder:

cd fizz-gateway-node
docker run --rm -d -p 8600:8600 \
-v $PWD/config:/opt/fizz-gateway-node/config \
-v $PWD/logs:/opt/fizz-gateway-node/logs fizzgate/fizz-gateway-node:{version}

Finally visit the gateway, the address format is:[Service name]/[API Path]

Official technical exchange group




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Authorization instructions

  1. The fizz-gateway-node community version of the gateway core project is opened in the form of GNU V3 and can be used free of charge in non-commercial projects following the GNU protocol.

  2. Management backend projects (fizz-manager-professional) as commercial versions only open binary packages free download, and For commercial projects, please contact us ([email protected]) for authorization.

System screenshot








