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AmberEngivev1 0 0 WIP AmberEngine v1.0.0 OverloadEngine features integration 80% + QOL Features

EditorImproved WIP Asset Browser, Material Editor, QOL Features (Actor Create menu directly from the Hierarchy Panel, Layouts management, Auto generate and apply Materials from loaded models)

AmberEngineDemoscene Scene Name + Creation menu directly from Hierarchy Panel


Personal Game Engine Project based on Overload Engine aiming a simpler architecture Editor UI side and providing QOL Features and Global Improvements.
AmberEngine will provide Lua scripting like Overload does but also C++ programming:

  • Behaviors -> Composed by a Start and Update methods called by the Engine. The goal is to mimic the Lua Behaviors scripts in order to provide a C++ alternative for the users
  • CustomComponents -> Data Containers.
  • Systems -> Instantiated and Released by the Engine, Systems will query related CustomComponents define the actors behaviors based on the data


  • Visual Studio 2022


  • OpenGL with GLEW (Graphics API)
  • GLFW (Windowing and inputs)
  • Assimp (3D model loader)
  • GLM (OpenGL Mathematics)
  • stb_image (Image Loader)
  • ImGui (GUI)


AmberEngine requires:

  • GPU: Graphics card supporting OpenGL 4.3

Compiling sources

Premake5 is used to generate project files. To generate the project, execute GenerateProject.bat. By default, GenerateProject.bat will generate project files for Visual Studio 2022. If you want to use another version of Visual Studio you can execute GenerateProject.bat from the command line with the Visual Studio version as argument. (ex: .\GeneratedProject.bat vs2019)


AmberEngine is licenced under an MIT Licence.