I used this wonderful article to build the actual raytracer, before modifying it https://raytracing.github.io/books/RayTracingTheNextWeek.html.
Then I added a new type of object, a lens.
The question I wanted to answer was: can lenses look realistic in a world where light rays don't travel from source to the eye, but from the eye to the source?
To create the actual lens, I had to implement two things:
- check if the ray hit the lens
- calculate the normal to the surface of the lens (which direction the ray will reflect/refract)
To check if a ray hits the lens I pretend the lens is a sphere. The only difference is that the normal is calculated differently.
bool lens::hit(const ray& r, double t_min, double t_max, hit_record& rec) const {
vec3 oc = r.origin() - center;
auto a = r.direction().length_squared();
auto half_b = dot(oc, r.direction());
auto c = oc.length_squared() - radius*radius;
auto discriminant = half_b*half_b - a*c;
if (discriminant < 0) { return false; }
auto sqrtd = sqrt(discriminant);
auto root = (-half_b - sqrtd) / a;
if (root < t_min || t_max < root) {
root = (-half_b + sqrtd) / a;
if (root < t_min || t_max < root) { return false; }
rec.t = root;
rec.p = r.at(rec.t);
vec3 normal = get_normal(rec.p, center, thickness, radius);
rec.normal = normal;
rec.set_face_normal(r, normal);
rec.mat_ptr = mat_ptr;
return true;
To calculate where the ray will refract/reflect to, we have to calculate the surface normal. That is the vector that points perpendicularly from the surface. The shape of a lens is determined by a parabola, either inward(diverging) or outward(convergent) facing. I used the radius and thickness of the lens to determine it's exact shape.
First, using the radius and thickness(height) of the lens I calculate a parabola that corresponds to those parameters.
So for a lens with a radius of double r = 1.0;
and of thickness double t = 0.5;
the 3 points by which the parabola would have to pass are (x, y)
: (-1.0, 0.1)
, (0.0, 0.5)
, (1.0, 1)
The first real problem I encountered was with the direction the lens was facing. I could not figure out how to adjust the normal for the direction the lens was facing, and I solved this by just determining the lens was always facing the ray.
static point3 get_parabola(double radius, double thickness) {
double x1 = -radius; double y1 = thickness / 100;
double x2 = 0; double y2 = thickness;
double x3 = radius; double y3 = thickness / 100;
double denom = (x1-x2) * (x1-x3) * (x2-x3);
double A = (x3 * (y2-y1) + x2 * (y1-y3) + x1 * (y3-y2)) / denom;
double B = (x3*x3 * (y1-y2) + x2*x2 * (y3-y1) + x1*x1 * (y2-y3)) / denom;
double C = (x2 * x3 * (x2-x3) * y1+x3 * x1 * (x3-x1) * y2+x1 * x2 * (x1-x2) * y3) / denom;
return point3(A, B, C);
static point3 get_point_on_parabola(double p, point3 intersection_point) {
// point3 parabola: (var1, var2, var3) -> f(x) = var1 * x^2 + var2 * x + var3
double ix = intersection_point.x();
double iy = intersection_point.y();
double iz = intersection_point.z();
// Here I would have to adjust for the direction of the lens
return point3(p * p * p * ix, p * p * p * iy, p * p * p * iz);
static point3 get_normal(point3 hit_point, point3 center, double thickness, double radius) {
point3 intersection_point = hit_point - center;
// get a parabolic function that describes the curve of the lens
double parabola = get_parabola(radius, thickness);
// get the heights of the parabola at the point of intersection between ray and lens
point3 heights = get_point_on_parabola(parabola, intersection_point);
// return that height because it corresponds to the normal vector
return heights;
This GIF shows the lenses with increasing thickness (from 0.5
to 2.0
) and the camera going from left to right. You can see it doesn't look perfect nor does it look perfectly realistic, but there is a lens-like effect going on.