Welcome to the GitHub page of the Swiss NextGen API. Please open an issue if you want to suggest new features or submit adjustments (ex. fixing a typo), you can also submit a pull request directly.
- Berlin Group XS2A API updates: as soon as possible after new releases
- Six Swiss Payments Standards: yearly
- Adjustments to the API can be submitted as an issue or directly as a pull request
- Outstanding adjustments will be reviewed and prioritized regularly by the admins
- Adjustments must be committed to a feature or bugfix branch (named feature/ or bugfix/) followed by a pull request to develop
- Admins decide together if a merge from the develop branch to the master branch is done
- An issue must be closed by the person that opened it
- If an issue or pull request must be further discussed during prioritization, it will be moved up one stage (see Prioritization)
- Directly solvable
- To be discussed by admins
- To be discussed by the OBP Partners
- To be developed by the OPB Community
Lead: adejung Admins: adejung, blehers, chatelao, yves-bussard, wishopt