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Jingqi DOU LorenzoValentine

Australian National University North Sydney, Australia

Avikalp Kumar Gupta avikalpg
Founder of Vibinex Code Review @Alokit-Innovations || Tech Generalist || ex-@microsoft || IIT Kanpur, CSE 2016

@Alokit-Innovations India

Ant00000ny Ant00000ny
Copy-paste engineer.
Kazuo Nguyen kazuonguyen
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

@tensoract Việt Nam

happykratos AminN77
SWE | Passionate Creator


AnthonyZhu MagicalZhu
do more

undefined undefined

Ben NuroDev
"Build failed" (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

@ronin-co United Kingdom

Zhēn Xuānxīn zhenxuanxin
A shovel officer of two cats.


aaron nguyen nguyenthanh1205tb
Cốt đơ dạo !!!!

Carouge Viet Nam

Shashank Priyadarshi shashank-priyadarshi
Engineering grad 2021. Web Dev.

Nasdaq Pune


Night City

Danil Savchenko savchenko-dev
Code Life Style

Letters Letters9
Hey! this is a interesting girl !
Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Fatih Tuzlu tuzlu07x
Backend Developer

Optimum7 Antalya, Türkiye

Mauricio Dulce mauriciodulce Spain

Evgeniy soulgarden
Software engineer

@stockwayup Warsaw, Poland

RETEX Lin-Rexter
I'm a university student who enjoys coding and an OSS enthusiast.


ZYA zyazhb
It's me ZYA,don't doubt . Gebrechlichkeit vergessen.


Ishan Mishra ishmis
CS @ the University of Edinburgh & Caltech

Edinburgh, Scotland

Yousif He-Is-HaZaRdOuS
Bushcat is lub, bushcat is lyfe.               Honorable mention: @Bush-cat