Looks for contracts inheritance. Use --detect pess-uni-v2
to forcefully enable the detector.
- Check:
- Confidence:
Checks the correctness of UniswapV2 integration in the contract.
- Impact - High;
- Description - The pair balance value (or its' change) can be manipulated with a flashloan or a cyclical swap path.
- Recommendation - Do not rely directly on the pair balance value.
- Impact - High;
- Description - The pair reserve value (or its' change) can be manipulated with a flashloan or a cyclical swap path.
- Recommendation - Do not rely directly on the pair balance value.
- Impact - Medium;
- Description - The protocol is secured with the Router contract. The direct usage of the Pair is dangerous due to its complexity.
- Recommendation - Use the Router contract instead of using the Pair contract directly.
- Impact - Medium;
- Description - All swaps must not have parameter minReturn equal to 0.
- Recommendation - Put a minReturn parameter of swaps different from 0.
- Impact - Medium;
- Description - All swaps must not have parameter maxReturn equal to max.
- Recommendation - Put a maxReturn parameter of swaps different from max.
- Impact - Medium;
- Description - Pools must not allow deflationary (tokens that take fees for transfer) and elastic supply tokens which make arbitrage possible.
- Recommendation - Do not use deflationary and rebase tokens in UniswapV2 integrations.
- Impact - Medium;
- Description - Looks for UniV2 funtions where the path parameter is partially or entirely provided from external invocation.
- Recommendation - Do not use functions where path parameter is provided through customs invocations.