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Configuring API Key Authentication

The API Key you use to secure dotnet monitor is a secret Json Web Token (JWT), cryptographically signed by a public/private key algorithm. You can [Recommended] use the integrated command to generate a key or you can generate the key yourself following the format, documented here. This guide will use the integrated command.

1. Using the integrated generatekey command

Run the command:

> dotnet monitor generatekey

The output from this command will display the API key (a bearer JWT token) formatted as an Authorization header along with its corresponding configuration for dotnet monitor. You will need to store the Subject and PublicKey in the configuration for dotnet monitor and use the Authorization header value when making requests to the dotnet monitor HTTPS endpoint.

Note: The Authorization header value is the string Bearer (representing the type) + the JWT, separated by a space. In some applications (like Postman), you fill in the Authorization header type in a separate field from the JWT.

Tell us about your experience with dotnet monitor:

Generated ApiKey for dotnet-monitor; use the following header for authorization:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUffffffffffffCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodffffffffffffGh1Yi5jb20vZG90bmV0L2RvdG5ldC1tb25pdG9yIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2RvdG5ldC9kb3RuZXQtbW9uaXRvci9nZW5lcmF0ZWtleStNb25pdG9yQXBpS2V5Iiwic3ViIjoiYWU1NDczYjYtOGRhZC00OThkLWI5MTUtNTNiOWM2ODQwMDBlIn0.RZffffffffffff_yIyApvFKcxFpDJ65HJZek1_dt7jCTCMEEEffffffffffffR08OyhZZHs46PopwAsf_6fdTLKB1UGvLr95volwEwIFnHjdvMfTJ9ffffffffffffAU

Settings in Json format:
  "Authentication": {
    "MonitorApiKey": {
      "Subject": "ae5473b6-8dad-498d-b915-ffffffffffff",
      "PublicKey": "eyffffffffffffFsRGF0YSI6e30sIkNydiI6IlAtMzg0IiwiS2V5T3BzIjpbXSwiS3R5IjoiRUMiLCJYIjoiTnhIRnhVZ19QM1dhVUZWVzk0U3dUY3FzVk5zNlFLYjZxc3AzNzVTRmJfQ3QyZHdpN0RWRl8tUTVheERtYlJuWSIsIlg1YyI6W10sIlkiOiJmMXBDdmNoUkVpTWEtc1h6SlZQaS02YmViMHdrZmxfdUZBN0Vka2dwcjF5N251Wmk2cy1NcHl5RzhKdVFSNWZOIiwiS2V5U2l6ZSI6Mzg0LCJIYXNQcml2YXRlS2V5IjpmYWxzZSwiQ3J5cHRvUHJvdmlkZXJGYWN0b3J5Ijp7IkNyeXB0b1Byb3ZpZGVyQ2FjaGUiOnt9LCJDYWNoZVNpZ25hdHVyZVByb3ZpZGVycyI6dHJ1ZSwiU2lnbmF0dXJlUHJvdmlkZXJPYmplY3RQb29sQ2FjaGffffffffffff19"

Note: The actual values provided in this document will never work as valid configuration. All values provided in this document are the correct length and format, but the raw values have been edited to prevent this public example being used to configure authentication for a dotnet-monitor installation.

The generatekey command supports 1 parameter --output/-o to specify the configuration format. By default, dotnet monitor generatekey will use the --output json format. Currently, the values in the list below are supported values for --output.

  • Json output format will provide a json blob in the correct format to merge with a settings.json file that configures dotnet-monitor. See Configuration Sources for where to find or create a settings.json file.
  • Text output format writes the individual parameters in an easily human-readable format.
  • Cmd output format in environment variables for a cmd.exe prompt.
  • PowerShell output format in environment variables for a powershell or pwsh prompt.
  • Shell output format in environment variables for a bash shell or another linux shell prompt.
  • MachineJson output a single json blob designed to be easy to parse by other tools. The entire STDOUT from dotnet-monitor will be a parsable json object.

2. Configure dotnet-monitor

Once you have the key material from step 1, you then must provide that configuration dotnet-monitor. There are several ways to configure dotnet-monitor and the easiest method usually depends on your platform.

A local dev box (Windows, OSX or Linux)

The easiest way to configure dotnet-monitor on a local dev box is by using the settings.json file loaded from the following directory (depending on platform):

  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.dotnet-monitor\settings.json
  • Linux (and *nix like):
    • If XDG_CONFIG_HOME is defined: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/dotnet-monitor/settings.json
    • Otherwise: $HOME/.config/dotnet-monitor/settings.json

Note: You probably need to create the directory and settings.json file within.


  • Use the --configuration-file-path switch to specify the location of the configuration file

Run the command dotnet monitor generatekey --output json and copy the json blob into settings.json. A typical settings file might look like this:

  "$schema": "",
  "Authentication": {
    "MonitorApiKey": {
      "Subject": "ae5473b6-8dad-498d-b915-ffffffffffff",
      "PublicKey": "eyffffffffffffFsRGF0YSI6e30sIkNydiI6IlAtMzg0IiwiS2V5T3BzIjpbXSwiS3R5IjoiRUMiLCJYIjoiTnhIRnhVZ19QM1dhVUZWVzk0U3dUY3FzVk5zNlFLYjZxc3AzNzVTRmJfQ3QyZHdpN0RWRl8tUTVheERtYlJuWSIsIlg1YyI6W10sIlkiOiJmMXBDdmNoUkVpTWEtc1h6SlZQaS02YmViMHdrZmxfdUZBN0Vka2dwcjF5N251Wmk2cy1NcHl5RzhKdVFSNWZOIiwiS2V5U2l6ZSI6Mzg0LCJIYXNQcml2YXRlS2V5IjpmYWxzZSwiQ3J5cHRvUHJvdmlkZXJGYWN0b3J5Ijp7IkNyeXB0b1Byb3ZpZGVyQ2FjaGUiOnt9LCJDYWNoZVNpZ25hdHVyZVByb3ZpZGVycyI6dHJ1ZSwiU2lnbmF0dXJlUHJvdmlkZXJPYmplY3RQb29sQ2FjaGffffffffffff19"

Note: The example above is not valid configuration, use the provided command to get a unique authentication key.


The easiest way to configure docker is to pass environment variables for the required configuration. First start by running dotnet monitor generatekey --output Shell.

> docker run --rm --entrypoint dotnet-monitor generatekey --output Text

Note: You'll need 3 parameters from the above execution. Grab the value in Subject and PublicKey and fill in <Subject> and <PublicKey> in the command below; save the value in Authorization for step 3.

> docker run --rm -p --entrypoint dotnet-monitor --env DOTNETMONITOR_Authentication__MonitorApiKey__Subject=<Subject> --env DOTNETMONITOR_Authentication__MonitorApiKey__PublicKey=<PublicKey> collect --urls http://+:52323 --metricUrls http://+:52325

Note: This command disables TLS, and should only be used for testing.

Configuring an API Key in a Kubernetes Cluster

If you're running in Kubernetes, we recommend creating secrets and mounting them into the dotnet monitor sidecar container via a deployment manifest. You can use this kubectl command to either create or rotate the API Key.

kubectl create secret generic apikey \
  --from-literal=Authentication__MonitorApiKey__Subject='ae5473b6-8dad-498d-b915-ffffffffffff' \
  --from-literal=Authentication__MonitorApiKey__PublicKey='eyffffffffffff...19' \
  --dry-run=client -o yaml \
  | kubectl apply -f -

Mount the secret as a file into /etc/dotnet-monitor in the deployment manifest for your application (abbreviated for clarity). dotnet monitor only supports automatic key rotations for secrets mounted as volumes. For other kinds of secrets, the dotnet monitor process must be restarted for the new key to take effect.

  - name: apikey
      secretName: apikey
  - name: dotnetmonitoragent
      - name: apikey
        mountPath: /etc/dotnet-monitor

Note: For a complete example of running dotnet-monitor in Kubernetes, see Running in a Kubernetes Cluster

3. Using an API Key to access the HTTP API

When using API Key authentication, you must fill in the Authorization header in Bearer mode with the parameter given in Authorization from running the generatekey command.

A valid authorization header value will look like this:

Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUffffffffffffCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodffffffffffffGh1Yi5jb20vZG90bmV0L2RvdG5ldC1tb25pdG9yIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2RvdG5ldC9kb3RuZXQtbW9uaXRvci9nZW5lcmF0ZWtleStNb25pdG9yQXBpS2V5Iiwic3ViIjoiYWU1NDczYjYtOGRhZC00OThkLWI5MTUtNTNiOWM2ODQwMDBlIn0.RZffffffffffff_yIyApvFKcxFpDJ65HJZek1_dt7jCTCMEEEffffffffffffR08OyhZZHs46PopwAsf_6fdTLKB1UGvLr95volwEwIFnHjdvMfTJ9ffffffffffffAU


If using Curl, you can use the -H parameter to specify the authorization header. The expected format for -H is <Header Name>: <Header Value>. Here is an example curl command:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUffffffffffffCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodffffffffffffGh1Yi5jb20vZG90bmV0L2RvdG5ldC1tb25pdG9yIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2RvdG5ldC9kb3RuZXQtbW9uaXRvci9nZW5lcmF0ZWtleStNb25pdG9yQXBpS2V5Iiwic3ViIjoiYWU1NDczYjYtOGRhZC00OThkLWI5MTUtNTNiOWM2ODQwMDBlIn0.RZffffffffffff_yIyApvFKcxFpDJ65HJZek1_dt7jCTCMEEEffffffffffffR08OyhZZHs46PopwAsf_6fdTLKB1UGvLr95volwEwIFnHjdvMfTJ9ffffffffffffAU" https://localhost:52323/processes

From PowerShell

If using PowerShell, you can use Invoke-WebRequest but it does not accept the same parameters. Specify the Authorization header in a Dictionary provided to the -Headers parameter like this:

 (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://localhost:52323/processes -Headers @{ 'Authorization' = 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUffffffffffffCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJodffffffffffffGh1Yi5jb20vZG90bmV0L2RvdG5ldC1tb25pdG9yIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2RvdG5ldC9kb3RuZXQtbW9uaXRvci9nZW5lcmF0ZWtleStNb25pdG9yQXBpS2V5Iiwic3ViIjoiYWU1NDczYjYtOGRhZC00OThkLWI5MTUtNTNiOWM2ODQwMDBlIn0.RZffffffffffff_yIyApvFKcxFpDJ65HJZek1_dt7jCTCMEEEffffffffffffR08OyhZZHs46PopwAsf_6fdTLKB1UGvLr95volwEwIFnHjdvMfTJ9ffffffffffffAU' }).Content | ConvertFrom-Json