It's an extension of yii\base\Action
. It help you code fast, clean and easy manage actions of controller.
If your project have many actions in one controller and one action have many scenarios, maybe some difficults for managing your complex code later. This extension may help you solve that problem.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist vuongminh/yii2-action-controller
or add
"vuongminh/yii2-action-controller": "v1-beta"
to the require section of your composer.json.
In your controller must extends an abstract class vuongminh\ac\ActiveController
and define method listAction return an array store name of actions.
namespace app\controllers;
use vuongminh\ac\ActiveController;
class GuestController extends ActiveController
public function listAction()
return ['login', 'forgot-password'];
After define actions name you create directory have name of controller name in @app\controllers\
and create action files have prefix "Action" . "name action", you can override prefix property $actionPrefix
default is Action.
In action files you define an action class like normal of yii
namespace app\controllers\guest;
use yii\base\Action;
class ActionLogin extends Action
public function run(){
return $this->controller->render("login");
In this case your action class must be extends an vuongminh\ac\ActiveAction
and you can customize layout, class, response format, model of actions.
namespace app\controllers;
use vuongminh\ac\ActiveController;
class GuestController extends ActiveController
public function listAction()
return [
'login' => [
'class' => 'app\controllers\customguest\Login',
'layout' => 'abc',
'forgot-password' => [
'reponseFormat' => \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON
Short call app component in action class:
namespace app\controllers\guest;
use vuongminh\ac\ActiveAction;
class ActionLogin extends ActiveAction
public function run(){
$user = $this->user; // equivalent to \Yii::$app->user
$postData = $this->requestPost; // equivalent to \Yii::$app->request->post()
$request = $this->request; // equivalent to \Yii::$app->request
$response = $this->response; // equivalent to \Yii::$app->response
$session = $this->session; // equivalent to \Yii::$app->session
$auth = $this->authManager; // equivalent to \Yii::$app->authManager
$getData = $this->requestGet; // equivalent to \Yii::$app->request->get()
When init ActiveAction will check class exist @app\models\controllername\actioname
if exist it auto create an object and set to property $model
of action class.
Example: I have a model class app\models\guest\Login
Login is a name of my action. In ActionLogin
it auto define and set to property $model
namespace app\controllers\guest;
use vuongminh\ac\ActiveAction;
* @property \app\models\guest\Login $model
class ActionLogin extends ActiveAction
public function run(){
if($this->model->load($this->requestPost) && $this->model->login()){
return $this->controller->redirect(['user/home']);
return $this->controller-render("login");
If you want to config model class, you can config it in controller:
namespace app\controllers;
use vuongminh\ac\ActiveController;
class GuestController extends ActiveController
public function listAction()
return [
'login' => [
'layout' => 'front-end',
'model' => 'app\models\Login'
'forgot-password' => [
'reponseFormat' => \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON,
'model' => [
'class' => 'app\models\Login',
'propertyName1' => 'value',
'propertyName2' => 'value'
Abstract class vuongminh\ac\ActiveRecord
is an extension of yii\db\ActiveRecord
it help you solve problem below:
Your AR model may have many scenarios and maybe one scenario have many sub-scenario and you have many many rules it so difficult control them. My ActiveRecord pattern may help you.
I used GII to generate a model AR User and I change an extends class \yii\db\ActiveRecord
to an abstract class \vuongminh\ac\ActiveRecord
and change method rules() to tableRules()
namespace app\models;
* This is the model class for table "users".
* @property string $iId
* @property string $cEmail
* @property string $cPassword
class User extends \vuongminh\ac\ActiveRecord {
public function tableRules() {
return [
[['iId'], 'safe'],
[['cEmail', 'cPassword'], 'string', 'max' => 256],
and I have scenario forgot password model extends User and method rules of this scenario change to scenarioRules, it will merge with table rules
namespace app\models\guest;
use app\models\User;
* This is the model class for table "users".
* @property string $iId
* @property string $cEmail
* @property string $cPassword
class ForgotPassword extends User {
public $cRePassword, $cReCaptcha, $cVerifyCode;
public function scenarioRules() {
return [
[['cEmail', 'cReCaptcha', 'cVerifyCode', 'cPassword', 'cRePassword'], 'required'],
[['cEmail'], 'exist'],
['cVerifyCode', 'checkVerifyCode'],
['cVertifyCode', 'required'],
['cRePassword', 'compare', 'compareAttribute' => 'cPassword']
public function scenarios(){
return [
'sendVerifyCode' => ['cEmail', 'cReCaptcha'],
'vertifyCode' => ['cVerifyCode', 'cPassword', 'cRePassword']