The rule of this classic game are explained here.
To add a new player to the game, send a POST request like this:
POST /players
with a JSON body like { "name": "Paolo", "nickname": "gooser"}
And the response should be something like
{"id": "95df85f8-e342-4420-8917-187d00870db5", "name": "Paolo", "nickname": "gooser"}
Game starts when exactly four players join. Players must have a unique nickname.
The game will start as soon as four players join the game.
During your turn, you can roll the dice by sending a POST request like this:
POST /players/95df85f8-e342-4420-8917-187d00870db5/roll
where 95df85f8-e342-4420-8917-187d00870db5
should be your player id.
The response will contain the roll result, your new position and a message, like this one:
{"roll":[5, 4], "position":21, "message": "Paolo moves from 12 to 21." }
In a shell, execute this command
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.goosegame.main
Fix the annoying bug that allow users with the same nickname to join the same game[FEATURE]
Allow the game to start even with just two players- Are there any other bugs we are not aware of?
The first player has a higher probability to win, and that's not fair. The business ask to shuffle the order of the players before starting the game.