If you are an employer in Switzerland (or anywhere else for that matter) who needs someone to mess around with your computers or servers, get in touch with me :-)
🔭 I’m currently working on Several private projects like Nosial, The Private Cløud and Self-Hosting in matter of privacy and independence of big orgs and a lot more
🌱 I’m currently learning At the moment On-Hold
👯 I’m looking to collaborate with people who would like to work with me :)
🤝 I’m looking for help with BGP, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes (k3s/k8s)
👨💻 All of my projects are available here on my website
📝 I unregularly write articles on Cybernity Forum
💬 Ask me about anything you would like to ask!
📫 How to reach me Telegram: @h_2_o0
📄 Github Rèsumè: Here available
⚡ Fun fact: Build your house from stone and wood, go in and out peacefully! :D