This is a simple demo for a blog post, it is very basic and demonestrates how to use , React, Ruby On Rails, Sidekiq, Mysql, and Redis together. this application is shipped on Docker and uses Docker-compose for building the images and creating the containers.
To get the app up and running do the following steps:
1- install docker depndecies as follow:
2- clone the repo
3- move to the root directory of the repo
4- run docker-compose up -d
, this should take a bit long time when you do it for the first time.
the front-end will be launched at : http://localhost:3001
the backend-end will be launched at : http://localhost:3000
to stop the containers run docker-compose stop
Things to do for this demo :
- Add form validations to the front end
- dry up code in front end susch as drying up the immutabe updates in the reducers and the forms containers
- remove hard coded url in the front end and the backend to .env files
- configure the test db and production db for the backend docker container in the database.yml and the .env
- remove some hard coded config from the backend
- optimize the docker , and docker compose files for the front end
- remove a warning that is comming from the Gemfile
- add more validations to the backend
- complete the test suite for the backend
- write full tests for the front-end using jest and enzygm
- make the front end fully responsive as well as enhance the general styling for the code and optmize it