Plugin functionality to add generic import to Rails Admin interface
First, add to Gemfile:
gem "rails_admin_import", :git => "git://"
Next, mount in your application by adding following line to your config/routes.rb:
mount RailsAdminImport::Engine => '/rails_admin_import', :as => 'rails_admin_import'
Add to cancan to allow access to import in your app/models/ability.rb:
can :import, [User, Model1, Model2]
Define configuration in config/initializers/rails_admin.rb:
RailsAdminImport.config do |config| config.model User do # Fields to make available for import (whitelist) included_fields do [:field1, :field2, :field3] end # Fields to skip (blacklist) excluded_fields do [:field1, :field2, :field3] end # Custom methods to get/set the values on? (Not in use?) extra_fields do [:field3, :field4, :field5] end # Name of the method on the model to use in alert messages indicating success/failure of import label :name # Specifies the field to use to find existing records (when nil, admin page shows dropdown with options) update_lookup_field do :email end # Define instance methods to be hooked into the import process, if special/additional processing is required on the data before_import_save do # block must return an object that responds to the "call" method lambda do |model, row, map| # skip confirmation email when importing Devise User model model.skip_confirmation! end end end
"import" action must be added inside config.actions block in main application RailsAdmin configuration: config/initializers/rails_admin.rb.
config.actions do # to include all actions, make sure you specify "all", otherwise only the "import" action will be available all ... import ... end
Refer to RailAdmin documentation on custom actions that must be present in this block.
TODO: Right now, import doesn't work for fields ending in s, because inflector fails in models ending in s singularly. Belongs_to and many mapping needs to be updated to use klasses instead of symbols
- Testing
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