-- Download sequences from ENA/SRA databases --
- wget (normally found in Linux OS)
- gzip >= v1.6 (normally found in Linux OS)
- Aspera Connect 2 >= v3.6.1 (optional)
- curl (optional)
- SRA toolkit >= v2.8.2 (optional) (for SRA interaction)
- Samtools = v1.3.1 (for fastq conversion when downloading BAM/CRAM files)
- GNU Awk (optional) (normally found in Linux OS) (for SRA interaction)
To interact directly with ENA, a list of IDs to download needs to be passed to getSeqENA. This can be done through the -l option.
usage: getSeqENA.py [-h] [--version] -l /path/to/list/ENA_IDs.txt
[-o /output/directory/] [-j N]
[-a /path/to/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh]
[--downloadLibrariesType PAIRED] [--downloadCramBam]
[--downloadInstrumentPlatform ILLUMINA]
[--maximumSamples N]
[--SRA | --SRAopt]
Get fastq files from ENA using ENA IDs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version Version information
Required options:
-l /path/to/list/ENA_IDs.txt, --listENAids /path/to/list/ENA_IDs.txt
Path to list containing the ENA_IDs to be downloaded
(default: None)
Facultative options:
-o /output/directory/, --outdir /output/directory/
Path for output directory (default: .)
-j N, --threads N Number of threads for cram/bam to fastq conversion
(default: 1)
-a /path/to/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh, --asperaKey /path/to/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh
Tells getSeqENA.py to download fastq files from ENA
using Aspera Connect. With this option, the path to
Private-key file asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh is provided
(normaly found in
(default: None)
--downloadLibrariesType PAIRED
Tells getSeqENA.py to download files with specific
library layout (default: BOTH)
--downloadCramBam Tells getSeqENA.py to also download cram/bam files and
convert them to fastq files (default: False)
--downloadInstrumentPlatform ILLUMINA
Tells getSeqENA.py to download files with specific
library layout (default: ILLUMINA)
--maximumSamples N Tells getSeqENA.py to only download files for N
samples (default: None)
SRA download options (one of the following):
--SRA Tells getSeqENA.py to download reads in fastq format
only from NCBI SRA database (not recommended)
(default: False)
--SRAopt Tells getSeqENA.py to download reads from NCBI SRA
if the download from ENA fails
run.*.log getSeqENA running log file.
getSeqENA.report.txt Report for each sample downloaded, retrieved from ENA data warehouse. It contains the following fields:
- #sample
- run_accession
- instrument_platform
- instrument_model
- library_layout
- library_souce
- extra_run_accession
- nominal_length
- read_count
- base_count
- date_download
Miguel Machado [email protected]