Sometimes you dont need a fully fledged testing suite. Sometimes you just want to do some assertions without having to import and use a big framework that might just get in your way.
This is where Fet
shines. It gets out of your way and lets you write tests fast.
It works with both dotnet and fable so you don't need to import huge libraries like Mocha or Jest if you don't need them.
Define your tests with the test
You put one more more of these in a testList
To actually run the test add them in a list and send it as an argument to runTests
let tests =
let add a b = a + b
testList "Some tests" [
test "Add 2 and 2 equals 4" <| fun () ->
let expected = 4
Expect.equal (add 2 2) expected
test "This test should fail" <| fun () ->
Expect.equal (3+3) 5
let evenMoreTests =
testList "List tests" [
test "Length of empty list should be 0" <| fun () ->
Expect.equal (List.length []) 0
test "Length of 10 elements should not be empty" <| fun () ->
Expect.equal (List.isEmpty [1..10]) false
runTests [ tests; evenMoreTests ]
See more examples in the example folder.