Installation: run make
. See also Makefile.
# Fix the 'loading code: version mismatch' error
rm -rf ./compiled/ ./scribblings/compiled/
raco pkg install --auto ansi-color
# raco test ./ # optionally
isGuix=$(command -v guix > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo t || echo f)
[ ${isGuix} = t ] && destDir=$dotf/bin || destDir=~/bin
[ ! -d ${destDir} ] && mkdir $destDir || :
raco exe -o $destDir/search-notes main.rkt
[ ${isGuix} = t ] && gxhre --cores=${cores} || :
See main.rkt -> command-line -> #:usage-help
TODO When inside source-block BEGIN_SRC END_SRC then the block is continuous text. When outside of the source-block then the block is between two org-mode '* ...', '* ...' sections
TODO Two search patterns means
- search for block(s)
- then search within the found block(s)
TODO Find org-mode racket parser / language:
For word boundaries etc. see: