A megengine implemention of basicVSR (CVPR 2021)
megengine | Deep learning framework created by megvii, like pytorch, tensorflow etc... | https://megengine.org.cn/ |
basicVSR | BasicVSR: The Search for Essential Components in Video Super-Resolution and Beyond | https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.02181 |
As of 2021.03.21, the official implementation(https://github.com/ckkelvinchan/BasicVSR-IconVSR has not been released. If the implementation of this repo is helpful to you, just star it, thanks!
- Linux machine (you do not need to care about cuda version, only need NVIDIA graphics driver version greater than 418)
- python3.7
pip3 install megengine -f https://megengine.org.cn/whl/mge.html
pip install -r requirements.txt
- link: https://seungjunnah.github.io/Datasets/reds.html
- after unzip it ,you need to merge the training and validation dataset(like mmediting), thus total 270(240+30) clip, and remaining 30 clip for test.
- after merging, your dir should like this:
- train
- train_sharp
- 000
- ...
- 240 (the first validation clip, thus clip 000 of validation)
- ...
- 269
- train_sharp_bicubic
- X4
- 000
- ...
- 269
- X4
- train_sharp
- test
- test_sharp_bicubic
- X4
- 000
- ...
- 269
- X4
- test_sharp_bicubic
- train
tutorial coming soon...
use our trained model(generator_module.mge), link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MXwysTaBN-3qg-iHfxl0nkv6il0EcO2K?usp=sharing
it has been trained 50 epochs on 240 clips, it's PSNR on validation dataset is 31.20(with 8 ensemble)*
find the config file: configs/restorers/BasicVSR/basicVSR_test_valid.py
change the first three line for your situation
load_path = './workdirs/epoch_xxx' # must have generator_module.mge file in folder epoch_xxx, xxx is digital
dataroot = "pathtoyourdataset/train/train_sharp_bicubic"
exp_name = 'basicVSR_track1_test_for_validation' # any name you like
and then , run it:
cd xxx/basicVSR_mge
python tools/test.py configs/restorers/BasicVSR/basicVSR_test_valid.py --gpuids 0 -d
you can find the results in workdir
same to valid, to fix the config file configs/restorers/BasicVSR/basicVSR_test_test.py
cd xxx/basicVSR_mge
python tools/test.py configs/restorers/BasicVSR/basicVSR_test_test.py --gpuids 0 -d
notice: only support one gpu config for gpuids now
- all output frames of test dataset produced by our model can be found here: (3000 frames, trained only on 240 training clips)