This tool can be used to mint NFT's
I recommend installing ipfs desktop for storing the image and tokenUri
Create a secretsManager.js file and add rpc endpoint & mnemonic for wallet that has some matic (or eth etc) for deploying contracts and minting nfts
Upload the image to ipfs
Configure tokenUri.json for the NFT you would like to create
Upload the tokenUri.json to ipfs
Configure nft.json
Run migration scripts
Tip for using/re-using the NFT tool: Remove or move the build/contracts/migrations.json file into /buildPreviousMigrations
mv build/contracts/migrations.json buildPreviousMigrations
truffle develop
- Run a local blockchain
truffle migrate
- Deploys NFT & distributes to list (local)
truffle migrate --network mumbai
- Deploys NFT & distributes to list (mumbai)
truffle migrate --network polygon
- Deploys NFT & distributes to list (polygon)
- Incorporate ipfs.js into the tool to automate uploading the tokenURI & image
Tip for generating mnemonic:
yarn add global bip39
node -e 'console.log(require("bip39").generateMnemonic())' <- ethersjs wrapper that can be used to convert mnemonic to pvt key & get public address of mnemonic (I reviewed the code, at time of writing no weird backdoors)