This package provides a mechanism to end-to-end test a JUCE application
- CMake. Must be 3.18 or higher. Normally just get the latest version
- CMake is used as the build system, as we as a pseudo package manager. It is the simplest way to use JE2E
- Node. See the package.json for the supported version(s).
- Node is used to manage the build and test process. You can manually execute any of the normal commands in Cmake and your compiler if you don't wish to use Node
- JUCE. Should be >= 6.x
- This project is designed to integrate with JUCE. We use large parts of the JUCE mainline. To make this project work, JUCE should be available on your compile path
To integrate into your project, please read the Integration Guide
Our Continuous Integration is CircleCI. The config for circle is here
We use a variety of code formatting tools. Please make sure you have these installed on your system to keep the codebase styling consistent.
We have a variety of scripts available in our package.json.