With the fall of the Yesterweb webring, new rings will rise - this one promotes open expression and nonviolence.
View the site on this link: https://kaiznike.github.io/Radical-Alliance-of-Free-Stars-Webring/
So you've spent too much time as a solitary star upon a lawless sky, let's work on that!
Our technology of choice is Onion Ring. Contact us to get on the users list and then copy the following code into an appropriate spot on your website.
<div id='rad-allies-free-stars'>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://kaiznike.github.io/Radical-Alliance-of-Free-Stars-Webring/onionring-variables.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://kaiznike.github.io/Radical-Alliance-of-Free-Stars-Webring/onionring-widget.js"></script>
If you know how this website we run on this local planet works, go ahead and submit a issue declaring yourself, or check yourself into the discussion boards.
Another way of joining is linking to this page via a banner like this one:
You can download and link it with the following. Assuming the banner is not in a folder.
<a href="https://kaiznike.github.io/Radical-Alliance-of-Free-Stars-Webring/"><img src="RAFSicon.gif"></a>
Members are free to be part of worlds with varying cultures, our one rule of cool is that humanity is not to be harmed, physically or mentally. We grant similar fronds to those capable of expression, no matter how small or big. Birds are friends too, do not believe their propaganda.
A series of interlocked websites banded together against the cold dark Search Engine Optimization. They used to be all the rage.