π§ This README is under construction π§
cd FASTQ.jl
julia --project
julia> using FASTQ
# Concatenate fastq files
julia> FASTQ.command.concatenate_fastq()
# Germline DNA alignment and variant calling
julia> FASTQ.Command.call_variants_on_germline_dna()
# Somatic DNA alignment and variant calling
julia> FASTQ.Command.call_variants_on_somatic_dna()
# cDNA alignment and variant calling
julia> FASTQ.Command.call_variants_on_cdna()
# cDNA psuedoalignment
julia> FASTQ.Command.measure_gene_expression()
Get Homebrew.
brew install fastp fastqc kallisto samtools bcftools
pip3 install multiqc
Download and put in tool/
Unzip programs in FASTQ.jl/tool/
and link their exectuables to usr/local/bin/
If programs in tool/
fail then compile programs.
Get precompiled Linux versions from sources: minimap2, STAR.
Docker Desktop > Settings > Resources > File Sharing > Add /tmp
and /var
Download strelka-2.9.10.centos6_x86_64.tar.bz2 from strelka releases.
Download manta-1.6.0.centos6_x86_64.tar.bz2 from manta releases.
Put manta and strelka in tool/
Add ulimit -n 10000
to .zshrc
git clone https://github.com/KatharineME/FASTQ.jl
cd FASTQ.jl
julia --project --eval "using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()"
julia --project --eval "using Pkg; Pkg.test()"
FASTQ.jl assumes the following
should be like this
[ 160] input
βββ [ 128] Sample1
βΒ Β βββ [ 0] R1.fastq.gz
βΒ Β βββ [ 0] R2.fastq.gz
βββ [ 128] Sample2
βββ [ 0] R1.fastq.gz
βββ [ 0] R2.fastq.gz
should contain needed tools of correct versions
[ 416] tool/
βββ [ 544] STAR-2.7.9a
βββ [ 15M] STAR-2.7.9a.zip
βββ [ 192] manta-1.6.0.centos6_x86_64
βββ [2.6K] minimap2-2.24
βββ [1.1M] minimap2-2.24.zip
βββ [ 416] rtg-tools-3.11
βββ [5.1M] rtg-tools-3.11-nojre.zip
βββ [ 352] snpEff
βββ [ 192] strelka-2.9.10.centos6_x86_64
The reference genome should be adjacent to chromosome and gtf files.
[ 576] GRCh38/GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set
βββ [1.4G] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.refseq_annotation.gtf
βββ [ 51M] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_full_analysis_set.refseq_annotation.gtf.gz
βββ [2.9G] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna
βββ [120K] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.fai
βββ [847M] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.gz
βββ [120K] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.gz.fai
βββ [754K] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.gz.gzi
βββ [ 0] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.gz.kallisto_index
βββ [6.8G] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.fna.gz.mmi
βββ [ 736] GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_plus_hs38d1_analysis_set.sdf
βββ [ 576] StarIndex
βββ [ 202] chrn_n.tsv
βββ [ 426] chromosome.bed
βββ [ 252] chromosome.bed.gz
βββ [4.1K] chromosome.bed.gz.tbi
βββ [ 227] n_chrn.tsv
Made by Kata π₯