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German Traffic Sign Classifier

This classifier has an architecture inspired by LeNet.

Layer Description
Input 32x32x1 grayscale image
Convolution 5x5 1x1 stride, valid padding, outputs 28x28x6
Max pooling 2x2 stride, outputs 14x14x6
Convolution 5x5 1x1 stride, valid padding, outputs 10x10x16
Max pooling 2x2 stride, outputs 5x5x16
Fully connected outputs 120
Dropout 50% keep probability
Fully connected outputs 84
Fully connected outputs 43

My final model results were:

  • training set accuracy of 0.997
  • validation set accuracy of 0.973
  • test set accuracy of 0.955

I have run the classifier on these images found online.

image 0 (Yield) image 1 (Turn right ahead) image 2 (Priority road) image 3 (Speed limit 30km/h) image 4 (Speed limit 120km/h) image 5 (No passing)
alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text alt text

Here are the results of the prediction:

Image Prediction
Yield Yield
Turn right ahead Turn right ahead
Priority road Priority road
Speed limit 30km/h Speed limit 30km/h
Speed limit 120km/h Speed limit 120km/h
No passing No passing

The model was able to correctly guess 6 of the 6 traffic signs, which gives an accuracy of 100%. This compares favorably to the accuracy on the test set of accuracy 95.5%.

These are the top five probabilities of predictions on each emage

image 0

Probability Prediction
1.00 (lost precision) Yield
8.28896e-14 No vehicles
5.02711e-15 Priority road
4.1249e-15 Stop
7.78334e-16 Keep right

image 1

Probability Prediction
0.999994 Turn right ahead
5.67283e-06 Ahead only
6.09594e-10 No vehicles
4.83902e-10 Keep left
2.11305e-10 Roundabout mandatory

image 2

Probability Prediction
1.0 (lost precision) Priority road
8.71962e-09 Stop
2.33766e-09 No vehicles
7.9627e-10 End of all speed and passing limits
3.52491e-10 No passing

image 3

Probability Prediction
0.998181 Speed limit (30km/h)
0.0010598 Speed limit (80km/h)
0.000508322 Speed limit (50km/h)
0.000196236 End of speed limit (80km/h)
3.89811e-05 Speed limit (20km/h)

image 4

Probability Prediction
0.7852 Speed limit (120km/h)
0.10838 Speed limit (70km/h)
0.10636 Speed limit (20km/h)
4.01502e-05 Speed limit (80km/h)
1.75141e-05 Speed limit (100km/h)

Even though the prediction is correct on image 4, the model considers a little bit of possibility that the sign could be Speed limit (70km/h) or Speed limit (20km/h).

image 5

Probability Prediction
0.999999 No passing
7.57351e-07 Slippery road
1.13976e-07 No passing for vehicles over 3.5 metric tons
1.96753e-08 End of no passing
4.60882e-09 Dangerous curve to the right


This program requires:

Dataset and Repository

  • Clone the project, which contains the data.
git clone
cd CarND-Traffic-Sign-Classifier-Project
jupyter notebook Traffic_Sign_Classifier.ipynb


Traffic sign classifier with LeNet







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