Cross-platform console based utility for the vpinball ecosystem
Download the latest release for your operating system at, extract it and
if wanted copy or symlink the binary to $HOME/bin
to put in on your path
Show help
> vpxtool --help
Extracts and assembles vpx files
Usage: vpxtool [COMMAND]
info Show information about a vpx file
diff Prints out a diff between the vbs in the vpx and the sidecar vbs
frontend Acts as a frontend for launching vpx files
index Indexes a directory of vpx files
script Cat the vpx script
ls List directory contents without extracting the vpx file
extract Extracts a vpx file
extractvbs Extracts the vbs from a vpx file next to it
importvbs Imports the vbs next to it into a vpx file
verify Verify the structure of a vpx file
assemble Assembles a vpx file
new Creates a minimal empty new vpx file
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Show help for a specific command
> vpxtool frontend --help`
Acts as a frontend for launching vpx files
Usage: vpxtool frontend [OPTIONS] [VPXROOTPATH]
[VPXROOTPATH] The path to the root directory of vpx files [default: /Users/francisdb/vpinball/tables]
-r, --recursive Recursively index subdirectories
-h, --help Print help
Vpxtool can act as a frontend for launching vpx files. It will index a directory of vpx files and then present a menu to launch them.
A configuration file will be written to store the Visual Pinball executable location.
Tables are assummed to be in the same directory as the executable for now.
Other related projects that read assemble vpx files:
An example vpx managed in github with some imagemagick scripts to compose textures