Task Manager App is a full-stack web application developed using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack. It supports user authentication and CRUD operations on tasks. The user data is stored in MongoDB for authentication, while AWS DynamoDB is used for task-related operations. The server is hosted on AWS Lambda, and the React frontend is hosted on AWS Amplify.
User Authentication:
- Register new users with MongoDB.
- Authenticate users securely.
Task Operations:
- Create, Read, Update, and Delete tasks.
- Tasks are stored in AWS DynamoDB.
Serverless Architecture:
- Backend server is hosted on AWS Lambda for scalability and cost-effectiveness.
Frontend Hosting:
- React frontend is hosted on AWS Amplify for easy deployment and continuous integration.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB (for user authentication)
- AWS Lambda (serverless)
- React
- AWS Amplify (hosting)
- MongoDB (user authentication)
- AWS DynamoDB (tasks)
To run the Task Manager App locally, follow the steps below.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/PrayanshParmar/task-manager-app
Navigate to the backend folder:
cd server
Install dependencies using Yarn:
yarn install
Create .env file in root folder and enter credentials:
Start the development server:
yarn run dev
Navigate to the frontend folder:
cd frontend
Install dependencies using Yarn:
yarn install
Start the development client:
yarn start
Ensure you have MongoDB set up and running locally or provide the connection string to a MongoDB instance in the environment variables.
AWS credentials should be configured on your development machine for deploying and interacting with AWS services.
Adjust the MongoDB and DynamoDB configurations according to your needs.
Prayansh Parmar
Feel free to reach out for any questions or issues related to the Task Manager App. Happy coding!