The BudgetApp is basically a back-end (in Node.js) & front-end (in React) Application for Budget Management, in which We've added the Login, Logout and Authentication modules in addition back-end requests for Create, Update, View, Delete Incomes and Expenses and users can get total Income & Expenses.
I, Devashish Patel and Abhishek Ghosh are the developers for this Application.
Follow the steps below to check back-end API :
- Postman Collection Link :
- URL - (Only Create User and Login, these two requests don't require authentication, all other requests require authentication.)
Create User
- Type: POST
- Endpoint: URL/budget/users/signup
- Body:
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "xyz" }
(Minimum password length is 5)
User Login
- Type: POST
- Endpoint: URL/budget/users/login
- Body:
{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "xyz" }
- Response Header: Copy value of key
which will be used for authentication and set this value in environment with the keyAuthorization
and set that key in header of all other requests from now.
New Entry
- Type: POST
- Endpoint: URL/budget/add
- Request Body:
{ "type": "Income", "description": "First Income", "amount": 400 }
- Request Header:
Authorization: JWT token value(From Response Header find 'auth')
Fetch All Data
- Type: GET
- Endpoint: URL/budget/all
- (Set Request Header)
Fetch Individual Income
- Type: GET
- Endpoint: URL/budget/income/:id (e.g: id ->
) - (Set Request Header)
Fetch Individual Expense
- Type: GET
- Endpoint: URL/budget/expense/:id (e.g: id ->
) - (Set Request Header)
Update Individual Income
- Type: PUT
- Endpoint: URL/budget/income/:id (e.g: id ->
) - (Set Request Header)
Update Individual Expense
- Type: PUT
- Endpoint: URL/budget/expense/:id (e.g: id ->
) - (Set Request Header)
Delete Individual Income
- Type: DELETE
- Endpoint: URL/budget/income/:id (e.g: id ->
) - (Set Request Header)
Delete Individual Expense
- Type: DELETE
- Endpoint: URL/budget/expense/:id (e.g: id ->
) - (Set Request Header)
- Type: DELETE
- Endpoint: URL/budget/users/logout
- (Set Request Header) `
- Node.js is used as the scripting language for the server.
modules used in the
- Database : MongoDB
- Create a back-end API with Node.js
- Use MongoDB as a No Sql Database
- Give a attaractive front-end look with React
- Develop a mobile app using React native
Any suggestions for the API are welcomed. Please email me at [email protected] to share your suggestions