I'm a (slightly less famous but equally) passionate data scientist with a keen interest in open-source projects and innovative technologies. I love to explore new programming languages, frameworks, and tools that help me build more robust and efficient data-driven solutions—when I'm not accidentally breaking my own code, that is.
- 🌍 I’m based in Tianjin,China.
- 🏢 I’m currently working at a central enterprise that’s… well, only ‘central’ in paperwork. Think all the red tape of a state-owned giant, the burnout of a private sweatshop, but with the salary of a confused intern who can’t decide which one to disappoint first. 😅
- 💻 I’m currently learning "Ascend CL" ...
- 👯 I'm trying to find some friends — you know, the type you can dramatically sigh about spreadsheets with over coffee. The last part is crucial~ 😏 找个朋友搭伙吐槽,这是重点~
- 💬 Ask me about anything related to Math and data science.
- Languages: Python, Rust, Haskell, Racket
- Tools: Git, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Jenkins
- Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, Milvus, PostgreSQL, Clickhouse
Check out my revolutionary side projects:
- pytoolsz: A set of Python Tools, mainly used to deal with work problems. 日常工作工具箱。
- pysswordSz: A Password Manager in Python. 为工作准备的。
- learnTypst: Study Typst's notes. Typst学习笔记。
These are just some whimsical coding projects I came up with in my spare time - take them with a grain of humor, not too seriously! 😂以上都是些闲来无用的东西,别太当真啊!
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 🌐 Personal website: https://lyzhang.me
- 🐦 Twitter: @sidneyzhang
Thanks for visiting my profile! Have a great day! 😊