SU> stalk TOTHTOMI -all-available-info
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-----------------[Results for TOTHTOMI]-----------------
OS: Windows 11 Pro [64-bit]
Type of guy: AMD
Shell/Terminal: Windows Terminal
Pronouns: He/Him
Location: Csongrád-Csanád, Hungary
Positions: Full Stack
Frameworks: Spring, Svelte, Tailwind CSS
Languages: Kotlin, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, CSS
- retro games
- retro music
- cats
- sci-fi movies
- thrillers & escape-room/supernatural themed horrors
Learning (dev): C++ (along w. JNI), Kotlin
Learning (irl): Music -> Percussion (along with all necessary school stuff ofc.)
Currently working on: Icicle (
Hobbies: Gaming, Programming, Music Composing/Producing
Sport: Badminton
Discord: TOTHTOMI#2432 (212865300171980800)
If you would like to, feel free to donate (note that reward for the donation is not guaranteed, it's just an appreciation of my work)