empowers you to prioritize composability in your component APIs.
- Composability with ease
- Type-safety
- Server Components support
- Not implemented with context
- Intuitive API
- Self-documenting with typescript
- Elegant solution to a11y attributes
- Inversion of control
You can find the docs on the docs website
If you need any assistance, feel free to join our Discord server
import { useSlot, SlotChildren, Slot } from "@beqa/react-slots";
type ListItemProps = {
children: SlotChildren<
| Slot<"title"> // Shorthand of Slot<"title", {}>
| Slot<"thumbnail"> // Shorthand of Slot<"thumbnail", {}>
| Slot<{ isExpanded: boolean }> // Shorthand of Slot<"default", {isExpanded: boolean}>
function ListItem({ children }: ListItemProps) {
const { slot } = useSlot(children);
const [isExpanded, setIsExpanded] = useState();
return (
className={`${isExpanded ? "expanded" : "collapsed"}`}
onClick={() => setIsExpanded(!isExpanded)}
{/* Render thumbnail if provided, otherwise nothing*/}
<slot.thumbnail />
{/* Render a fallback if title is not provided*/}
<slot.title>Expand for more</slot.title>
{/* Render the description and pass the prop up to the parent */}
<slot.default isExpanded={isExpanded} />
With slot-name
<img slot-name="thumbnail" src="..." />
<div slot-name="title">A title</div>
this is a description
With Templates
import { template } from "beqa/react-slots";
<img src=".." />
<template.title>A title</template.title>
{({ isExpanded }) =>
isExpanded ? <strong>A description</strong> : "A description"
<template.description>doesn't have to be a function</template.description>
With type-safe templates
// Option #1
import { createTemplate } from "@beqa/react-slots";
const template = createTemplate<ListItemProps["children"]>();
// Option #2
import { template, CreateTemplate } from "@beqa/react-slots";
const template = template as CreateTemplate<ListItemProps["children"]>;
// Typo-free and auto-complete for props!
<img src="..." />
<template.title>A title</template.title>
{({ isExpanded }) =>
isExpanded ? <strong>A description</strong> : "A description"
<template.description>doesn't have to be a function</template.description>
The code samples below represent actual implementations. No need to define external state or event handlers for these components to function. |
Checkout live example
<Accordion key={1}>
<span slot-name="summary">First Accordion</span>
This part of Accordion is hidden
<Accordion key={2}>
<span slot-name="summary">Second Accordion</span>
AccordionList makes it so that only one Accordion is open at a time
<Accordion key={3}>
<span slot-name="summary">Third Accordion</span>
No external state required
Checkout live example
<Button>Trigger Dialog</Button>
<Dialog slot-name="dialog">
<span slot-name="title">Look Ma, No External State</span>
<p slot-name="content">... And no event handlers.</p>
<p slot-name="content">Closes automatically on button click.</p>
<p slot-name="content">Can work with external state if desired.</p>
onClick={() => alert("But how are the button variants different?")}
<Button slot-name="primary">Close!</Button>
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