This is Warsow's fork of qfusion, the id Tech 2 derived game engine
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Clone the repository and its submodules
git clone --recursive
You have to navigate to qfusion/third-party
and build CMake-based angelscript
and openal-soft
This has to be done once upon initial setup.
We use our custom static build of Qt. You have to download Qt 5.13.2 source bundle separately. MD5 Checksums are
7c04c678d4ecd9e9c06747e7c17e0bb9 qt-everywhere-src-5.13.2.tar.xz
Build instructions follow.
Assuming that you unpack and build stuff in `/opt/qt/` (which is assumed to be modifiable for your user), navigate to `/opt/qt/qt-everywhere-src-5.13.2/qtbase/src/platformsupport` and modify `` using this patch-qtConfig(evdev)|qtConfig(tslib)|qtConfig(libinput)|qtConfig(integrityhid) {
+qtConfig(evdev)|qtConfig(tslib)|qtConfig(libinput)|qtConfig(integrityhid)|qtConfig(xkbcommon) {
Configure Qt using these feature flags
/opt/qt/qt-everywhere-src-5.13.2$ ./configure \
-prefix /opt/qt/5.13.2 -static -release -opensource -confirm-license -opengl desktop \
-no-gif -no-ico -no-libjpeg -no-tiff -no-webp -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-odbc -no-system-proxies \
-no-icu -no-dbus -no-evdev -no-egl -no-eglfs -no-linuxfb -no-iconv -no-alsa -no-pulseaudio \
-nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip wayland -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtscript \
-skip qtdoc -skip qtdocgallery -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcharts -skip qt3d -skip qtdatavis3d \
-skip qtgamepad -skip qtlocation -skip qtlottie -skip qtandroidextras -skip qtwinextras \
-skip qtx11extras -skip qtmacextras -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtserialport -skip qtserialbus \
-skip qtpurchasing -skip qttranslations -skip qtremoteobjects -skip qtsensors -skip qtspeech \
-skip qtvirtualkeyboard -skip qtwayland \
-skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebglplugin -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview -skip qtxmlpatterns \
-no-feature-testlib -no-feature-testlib_selfcover -no-feature-sql -no-feature-sqlmodel -no-feature-sessionmanager \
-no-feature-quick-designer -no-feature-quick-canvas -no-feature-qml-debug -no-feature-qml-profiler \
-no-feature-qml-preview -no-feature-qml-worker-script -no-feature-quick-particles \
-no-feature-quickcontrols2-fusion -no-feature-quickcontrols2-imagine -no-feature-quickcontrols2-universal \
-no-feature-codecs -no-feature-big_codecs -no-feature-pdf -no-feature-cssparser -no-feature-textodfwriter \
-no-feature-vulkan \
-qt-freetype -qt-harfbuzz -qt-xcb -qt-pcre -no-avx512 -silent --recheck-all
If it fails at "building qmake" stage, you have to modify respective sources/headers,
so they include <limits>
for modern toolchains.
/opt/qt/qt-everywhere-src-5.13.2$ gmake -j$(nproc)
/opt/qt/qt-everywhere-src-5.13.2$ gmake install
Configure Qt using these feature flags (TODO: Strip more features following the Linux build)configure -static -release -opensource -confirm-license -opengl desktop ^
-no-gif -no-ico -no-libjpeg -no-tiff -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-odbc -no-qml-debug -no-system-proxies ^
-nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtscript -skip qtdoc -skip qtactiveqt ^
-skip qtcharts -skip qt3d -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtgamepad -skip qtlocation -skip qtlottie -skip qtandroidextras ^
-skip qtwinextras -skip qtx11extras -skip qtmacextras -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtserialport -skip qtserialbus ^
-skip qtpurchasing -skip qttranslations -skip qtremoteobjects -skip qtsensors -skip qtspeech -skip qtvirtualkeyboard ^
-skip qtwayland -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview -skip qtxmlpatterns ^
-no-feature-testlib -no-feature-testlib_selfcover -no-feature-sql -no-feature-sqlmodel -no-feature-sessionmanager ^
-no-feature-quick-designer -no-feature-quick-canvas -no-feature-qml-profiler -no-feature-qml-preview ^
-no-feature-codecs -no-feature-big_codecs -no-feature-pdf -no-feature-cssparser -no-feature-textodfwriter -silent
Visit for more information
Linux command line for configuration looks like this (assuming Qt is built and installed into /opt/qt/5.13.2
qfusion/source$ cmake -DQFUSION_GAME="Warsow" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/qt/5.13.2 .
You can use various CMake configuration tools of your choice (this is aimed to Windows users).
Just pass these two important variables (QFUSION_GAME
) to the configuration.
qfusion/source$ make -j$(nproc)
Executables are found in qfusion/source/build
Having built the engine, you have run it from a directory which contains basewsw
subdirectory with data files
of Warsow 2.6+ (visit Warsow website/Warsow Discord for details).