Related overleaf document:
Dependencies: Need Java 1.8
To build this project:
- Clone the project
- Compile the java source code
cd src/
javac consumer_data_privacy_hba/*.java
This is a Secure 2-Party Computation so this project can be executed on 2 different machines as well as on the same machine.
To run the project on same machine
- Create the jars for both User1 and User2
jar cfm User1.jar Manifest.txt consumer_data_privacy_hba/*.class jar cfm User2.jar Manifest2.txt consumer_data_privacy_hba/*.class
- Execute the jars by opening 2 shells and executing each jar.
- Make sure User1.jar is executed before User2.jar.
java -jar User1.jar "port (e.g: 5000)" "location of the input GENOTYPED datafile" "cMPerFrame(value: 5 or 25)" java -jar User2.jar "port (e.g: 5000)" "IP address of the Server (in this case same machine address e.g:" "location of the input GENOTYPED datafile" "cMPerFrame(value: 5 or 25)"
To run the project on different machines
- End users should decide on the roles (Server/Client)
- User1 is Server and User2 is client
- User1 should share their IP address and port to bind to the User2
- Both User1 and User2 should follow the same commands.
- Make sure User1.jar is executed before User2.jar.
To run multple test cases on the same machine
- Modify the file accordingly.
/* * Modify Below Variables Accordingly To Run Tests */ String loc = "test_files/case3/"; //directory for test files for Server String loc1= "test_files/case3/"; //directory for test files for Server String csv = ".csv"; //extension of the test file String txt =".txt"; //extension of the test file String results= "input/TestCasesResults.csv"; //results are stored in this file /* * */
- Compile
cd src/ javac consumer_data_privacy_hba/
- Create the jar
jar cfm TestCases.jar Manifest3.txt consumer_data_privacy_hba/*.class
- Execute
java -jar TestCases.jar
Sample Genotypes files are also provided with this project:
- Genotypes files for Spanish Family and Ancestry Family
cd input
- Test Files used in the thesis
cd test_files
- Genotypes files for Spanish Family and Ancestry Family