- Clone repo
- rename file conn_ex.php to conn.php in utils directory
- (optional but recommended) Create new DB user
- Create Database with any name you want
- rename file conn_ex.php to conn.php in utils directory
- enter you database credentials in utils/conn.php
- go to SERVER_IP:PORT/register.php and create account(server will automatically create tables in database)
- Redirect osu.ppy.sh connections to server ip(you can use: server switcher, fiddler, hosts method or just patch client using for ex. DnSpy)
- Start client and login, Enjoy
server DOES NOT include irc chat, you have to make one yourself or use my very basic server rating needs to be implemented in b222 if you want to use it with tcp bancho, you can use bancho "proxy" that redirects socket requests to http backend if you wanna see screenshots look at the bottom of readme
b282-b1XXX - experimental score server(not recommended to use) b222 - everything works b196 - everything works b170 - everything works b162 - everything works b144 - everything works b130 - everything works b99 - everything works b86 - fully supported b70 - fully supported
need to update