API to collect data from Canal Eletrônico do Investidor (CEI) using cei-crawler.
This project was developed with the following technologies:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/barbosagabriel/cei-api
# Go into the repository
$ cd cei-api
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run migrations
$ npm run knex:migrate
# Start server *
$ npm run dev
# running on port 3333 (default)
*Before start the server, rename .envexample to .env and edit the environment variables
First, make a request to create a token informing your username (CPF) and password. Then, use this token as query parameter for any other request.
URL: /token
Method: POST
Request Body: { "username": "Your CPF (only numbers)", "password": "Your Password"}
Code: 201 | Content: { "token": "978434061356194" }
Code: 500 | Content: { "error": "Detailed error" }
URL: /wallet
Method: GET
Query Parameter: token=978434061356194
Code: 200 | Content:
"institution": "308 - CLEAR CORRETORA - GRUPO XP",
"account": "12345",
"stockWallet": [
"company": "BRADESCO",
"stockType": "PN N1",
"code": "BBDC4",
"isin": "BRBBDCACNPR8",
"price": 21.16,
"quantity": 170,
"quotationFactor": 1,
"totalValue": 3597.2
"company": "FII CSHG LOG",
"stockType": "CI ER",
"code": "HGLG11",
"isin": "BRHGLGCTF004",
"price": 190,
"quantity": 18,
"quotationFactor": 1,
"totalValue": 3420
"nationalTreasuryWallet": []
"institution": "90 - EASYNVEST - TITULO CV S.A.",
"account": "515151",
"stockWallet": [],
"nationalTreasuryWallet": [
"code": "Tesouro Selic 2023",
"expirationDate": "2023-03-01T03:00:00.000Z",
"investedValue": 30077.34,
"grossValue": 34604.23,
"netValue": 33924.28,
"quantity": 3.25,
"blocked": 0
Code: 401 | Content: { "error": "Invalid token" }
Code: 500 | Content: { "error": "Detailed error" }
URL: /dividends
Method: GET
Query Parameter: token=978434061356194
Code: 200 | Content:
"stockType": "PN N1",
"code": "BBDC4",
"date": "2020-08-03T03:00:00.000Z",
"quantity": 170,
"factor": 1,
"grossValue": 3.22,
"netValue": 2.74
"stockType": "CI",
"code": "HGLG11",
"date": "2020-07-14T03:00:00.000Z",
"type": "RENDIMENTO",
"quantity": 18,
"factor": 1,
"grossValue": 14.04,
"netValue": 14.04
"stockType": "PN N1",
"code": "BBDC4",
"date": "2020-07-01T03:00:00.000Z",
"quantity": 132,
"factor": 1,
"grossValue": 2.5,
"netValue": 2.13
Code: 401 | Content: { "error": "Invalid token" }
Code: 500 | Content: { "error": "Detailed error" }
URL: /transactions
Method: GET
Query Parameters: token=978434061356194
, startDate=MM/DD/YYYY
(optional), endDate=MM/DD/YYYY
Code: 200 | Content:
"institution": "308 - CLEAR CORRETORA - GRUPO XP",
"account": "95419",
"stockHistory": [
"date": "2020-03-09T03:00:00.000Z",
"operation": "C",
"market": "Merc. Fracionário",
"expiration": "",
"code": "BBDC4F",
"name": "BRADESCO PN EJ N1",
"quantity": 20,
"price": 26.53,
"totalValue": 530.6,
"quotationFactor": 1
"date": "2020-03-09T03:00:00.000Z",
"operation": "C",
"market": "Mercado a Vista",
"expiration": "",
"code": "HGLG11",
"name": "FII CSHG LOGCI ER",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 168.99,
"totalValue": 168.99,
"quotationFactor": 1
Code: 401 | Content: { "error": "Invalid token" }
Code: 500 | Content: { "error": "Detailed error" }
Thanks to João Menighin that made a great job on the web crawler to collect all data from CEI.
Check out his repository here.