aProxy is an IoT message proxy, is deployed between a device connections and an IoT message broker and acts like PEP (Policy Enhancement Point). It enables bidirectional connection and inspects packets that flow through it - especially authorization and authentication packets.
aProxy sends authorization demands to external authentication and authorization service - AM:DM. It protects against any unauthorized traffic between devices and IoT platform.
aProxy can do other packet transformation and there is an SDK for handling the traversing packets. Users can customize in-flight packet handling and transform packets (for example - change MQTT topic, or rewrite payload).
aProxy is typically deployed on-premise, in the enterprise cloud, in front of IoT platform. This way it is insured that messages never leave the private cloud - only authorization headers are sent to AM:DM SaaS for verification. Having in mind that aProxy is very lightweight service, written in modern Go programming language, it is very portable and easily deployable.
git clone https://github.com/absmach/aproxy.git
cd aproxy
make docker-image
make run
The service is configured using the environment variables presented in the following table. Note that any unset variables will be replaced with their default values.
Variable | Description | Default |
APROXY_WS_HOST | WebSocket inbound (IN) connection host | |
APROXY_WS_PORT | WebSocket inbound (IN) connection port | 8080 |
APROXY_WS_PATH | WebSocket inbound (IN) connection path | /mqtt |
APROXY_WSS_PORT | WebSocket Secure inbound (IN) connection port | 8080 |
APROXY_WSS_PATH | WebSocket Secure inbound (IN) connection path | /mqtt |
APROXY_WS_TARGET_SCHEME | WebSocket Target schema | ws |
APROXY_WS_TARGET_HOST | WebSocket Target host | localhost |
APROXY_WS_TARGET_PORT | WebSocket Target port | 8888 |
APROXY_WS_TARGET_PATH | WebSocket Target path | /mqtt |
APROXY_MQTT_HOST | MQTT inbound connection host | |
APROXY_MQTT_PORT | MQTT inbound connection port | 1883 |
APROXY_MQTTS_PORT | MQTTS inbound connection port | 8883 |
APROXY_MQTT_TARGET_PORT | MQTT broker port | 1884 |
APROXY_CLIENT_TLS | Flag that indicates if TLS should be turned on | false |
APROXY_CA_CERTS | Path to trusted CAs in PEM format | |
APROXY_SERVER_CERT | Path to server certificate in pem format | |
APROXY_SERVER_KEY | Path to server key in pem format | |
APROXY_LOG_LEVEL | Log level | debug |
APROXY_MQTT_ADAPTER_CONFIG_FILE | Config file path. This overites env if set. | |
APROXY_RELEASE_TAG | Docker release tag. | latest |
APROXY_THINGS_URL | Things url. | |
APROXY_THINGS_AUTH_GRPC_URL | Things GRPC URL for authentication. | |
APROXY_THINGS_AUTH_GRPC_TIMEOUT | Things GRPC timeout duration | 1s |