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Model Resource Components Package

jbvandermeer edited this page Dec 21, 2018 · 16 revisions


All component features relevant to the model and analysis are collected in descriptor files. These files are all in XML-format with a minimum of nested tags. That is, the generally preferred way of approaching placement of single-value information is in value-attributes of appropriately named tags. Where applicable a unit-attributed should also carry the units of the associated value-attribute.

Where tuples of triples are concerned, each member of the multiple shall be assigned a dedicated tag, again with value and unit attribute as needed.

The entity-relational-diagram below gives and overview of tags and inheritance.

ERD of Descriptor files

The following lists and links the available descriptor files.



The root interface for all components is described in componentDescriptorInterface.xml.


The following lists, in alphabetical order, implementations of the root interface. Generally, a generic implementation for a particular component exists. Note though that for specific model runs, it is desirable to update these generic descriptors as much as possible with specifics.

controlledLoadDescriptor.xml : Controlled Load

The controlledLoadDescriptor.xml file implements a generic controlled load.

eesDescriptor.xml : Electrical Energy Storage System

The eesDescriptor.xml file implements a generic electrical energy storage system.

esDescriptor.xml : Energy Storage System

The esDescriptor.xml file implements a generic energy storage system. It has two children that are more specific for electrical and thermal energy storage respectively.

genDescriptor.xml : Diesel Electric Generator

The genDescriptor.xml file implements a generic diesel electric generator.

invDescriptor.xml : Inverter

The invDescriptor.xml file implements a generic inverter.

loadDescriptor.xml : Generic Load

The loadDescriptor.xml file implements a generic non-controlled load.

wtgDescriptor.xml : Wind Turbine Generator

The wtgDescriptor.xml file implements a generic wind turbine generator.

tesDescriptor.xml : Thermal Energy Storage System

The tesDescriptor.xml file implements a generic thermal energy storage system.

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