This is a collection of community contributed libraries for .NET Aspire
First of all, you should have OpenTelemetry Agent for Java. You can download it to your local machine by running the following commands:
# Bash mkdir -p ./agents wget -P ./agents \ # PowerShell New-item -type Directory -Path ./downloaded -Force Invoke-WebRequest ` -OutFile "./agents/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar" ` -Uri ""
Build the Spring app with Maven:
pushd ./src/Aspire.Contribs.Spring.Maven ./mvnw clean package popd
Build a container image for the Spring app:
pushd ./src/Aspire.Contribs.Spring.Maven docker build . -t aspire-spring-maven-sample:latest popd
Push the container image to Docker Hub under your organisation. This sample uses
:docker tag aspire-spring-maven-sample:latest aliencube/aspire-spring-maven-sample:latest docker push aliencube/aspire-spring-maven-sample:latest
NOTE: You need to log in to Docker Hub before pushing the image.
If you want to integrate the containerised Spring app built above, open
and update the following line:var containerapp = builder.AddSpringApp("containerapp", new JavaAppContainerResourceOptions() { // ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Update this line with your container image ContainerImageName = "aliencube/aspire-spring-maven-sample", // ⬆️⬆️⬆️ Update this line with your container image OtelAgentPath = "/agents" });
Run .NET Aspire dashboard:
dotnet watch run --project ./src/Aspire.Contribs.AppHost
Check the dashboard that both containerised app and executable app are up and running.
Open the web app in your browser and navigate to the
page and see the weather information from ASP.NET Core Web API app, Spring container app and Spring executable app.
Get the Azure environment name ready:
# Bash AZURE_ENV_NAME="contribs$((RANDOM%9000+1000))" # PowerShell $AZURE_ENV_NAME="contribs$((Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 9999))"
Run the following command to deploy the app to Azure:
azd up -e $AZURE_ENV_NAME
Follow the instruction for the rest of the deployment process.