TesseractOCR5 is a modified version of r1me/TTesseractOCR4 (https://github.com/r1me/TTesseractOCR4), a Delphi wrapper for the Tesseract OCR library. The main difference is that TesseractOCR5Wrapper uses version 5 of Tesseract, which provides improved accuracy and speed compared to version 4.
The library includes a demo application that demonstrates the usage of TesseractOCR5 and pdftotext to perform optical character recognition (OCR) on images and generate text output that preserves the original layout.
The demo also shows how to load the Tesseract DLL only when needed, and how to specify a custom path for the DLL.
- Download or clone the repository to your local machine.
- Copy the TesseractOCR5 directory to your Delphi project directory.
- Add TesseractOCR5\Source to your Delphi project search path.