Qt 5.9 is the last version of Qt that node-qt5 will support. Make sure that you have Xcode installed. Under Xcode preferences locations, make sure there is a version set.
Install Qt 5 with homebrew:
$ brew install qt
The Homebrew formula for qt is keg only which means binaries like qmake will not be symlinked into your /usr/local/bin directory and therefore will not be available for node-qt5.
Then add to your shell configuration file:
$ echo 'export PATH="$(brew --prefix qt)/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
Or another solution, but not recommended because it will break on brew upgrade, is to force Homebrew to symlink those binaries into your /usr/local/bin directory:
$ brew link --force qt
Restart your terminal.
After running this command you should get the following output:
$ which qmake
$ git clone https://github.com/anak10thn/node-qt5.git
$ cd node-qt5; npm install;
$ node examples/qml.js