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NeoVim setup, fast as a shark

The goal of this project is to have a fast Neovim startup, provide mappings that can be easily memorised, interact with the Lua API, and make programming fun.

This setup is mostly customised to for Go (Golang) and Rust development. There is also a few other LSP servers setup for other LSP servers to work with various file types.

This project supports Neovim version 0.10.0 and newer.


  • Besides in a few places that Neovim doesn't provide an API in Lua, most configuration is done in Lua.
  • LSP, Treesitter, and FZF are setup to work together.
  • Seamless navigation with tmux.
  • Completion with nvim-cmp plugin is setup.
  • It is optimised to handle very large files.
  • There are some handy textobjects such as backticks and indents.
  • You can add the current location of the cursor or make notes on the current location in the quickfix/local lists with repeatable mappings.
  • You can manipulate quickfix/local lists.
  • It comes with integration with git and gist.
  • Has a lot of useful feedback in the gutter.
  • Statusline is configures with feline.
  • It is set to give a lot of useful information about the buffer.
  • Prettier quickfix buffer and quickfix tools.
  • The theme is setup with Lua to take advantage of its performance.
  1. Setup
  2. Functionality
  3. Plugin Licence List


Click to view another image


Click to view advance snippets demo

See snippets section for more information.




Just clone this project:

$ git clone ~/.config/nvim

Once you start Neovim, it will install the package manager and installs the listed plugins.


Some default mappings/commands are augmented to centre the buffer after the execution.

Some mappings/commands are obvious, but I've left them here as a reminder. Some are left out either because they are not used too often, or they are defined after writing this document and I've forgot to document.

I would recommend you have a look at the code to see what is available to you.


This list might change at any time depending on if there is a better replacement or the requirement changes.

Click to view the plugin list

Some plugins are not listed here. You can find the complete list in the plugins folder.

Licenses for plugins can be found here.

Function Plugin Description
🔥 Core folke/lazy.nvim Package manager
🔥 Visual arsham/arshamiser.nvim Status line, colour scheme and folds
🔥 Lists arsham/listish.nvim Supporting quickfix and local lists
🧰 Lib arsham/arshlib.nvim Library used in various plugins
⚡ Visual nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons
🔍 Finder junegunn/fzf Fuzzy finder
🔍 Finder junegunn/fzf.vim fzf plugin for vim
🔥 Finder arsham/fzfmania.nvim Very powerful FZF setup in lua
🔥 Finder ibhagwan/fzf-lua fzf ❤️ lua - fzf frontend
🧰 Core nvim-lua/plenary.nvim
⏩ Core tweekmonster/startuptime.vim Benchmarking startup
🔁 Core tpope/vim-repeat
🥇 Textobj arsham/archer.nvim Mappings and text objects for archers
🧰 Visuals MunifTanjim/nui.nvim UI component
🥇 Textobj arsham/indent-tools.nvim Indent mappings and text object
🔥 Visuals arsham/matchmaker.nvim Creates highlight for user matches
🛢️ Tool stevearc/oil.nvim File explorer
 GIT tpope/vim-fugitive git integration
 GIT tpope/vim-rhubarb Go to selection's code Github page
 Core tpope/vim-git
🌲 Visuals nvim-treesitter Highlighting engine
🔥 GIT lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim git signs in the gutter
🥇 Textobj nvim-treesitter-textobjects Treesitter Text Objects
🔥 Visuals freddiehaddad/feline.nvim Statusline (default)
🗨️ Visuals rcarriga/nvim-notify Better notification UI
🌈 Visuals treesitter-refactor Treesitter plugin
🗒️ Visuals nvim-treesitter/playground Treesitter plugin
󰐣 Editing context-commentstring
🥊 Core andymass/vim-matchup
󰘜 Editing monaqa/dial.nvim Enhanced increment/decrement values
👗 Visuals stevearc/dressing.nvim
 GIT mattn/vim-gist gist integration
󰛡 Core RaafatTurki/hex.nvim Hex viewer
 Tool iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim
🧭 Core numToStr/Navigator.nvim Seamless navigation with tmux
📁 Tool nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim File explorer tree
🪟 Core s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker Window picker
 Tool ralismark/opsort.vim Sort operator
 Tool sQVe/sort.nvim Line-wise and delimiter sorting
🔭 Tool dhruvasagar/vim-zoom Zoom windows
🥇 Textobj David-Kunz/treesitter-unit Treesitter units
 LSP neovim/nvim-lspconfig LSP configuration
 LSP mason.nvim Package manager for LSP, DAP, etc.
 LSP mason-lspconfig.nvim LSP config bridge for mason.nvim
 LSP hrsh7th/nvim-cmp Completion with LSP
 LSP saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip Extension for nvim-cmp
 LSP L3MON4D3/LuaSnip Snippet engine
 LSP hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline Extension for nvim-cmp
 LSP friendly-snippets
 LSP hrsh7th/cmp-buffer Extension for nvim-cmp
 LSP hrsh7th/cmp-calc Extension for nvim-cmp
 LSP hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp Extension for nvim-cmp
 LSP hrsh7th/lsp-signature-help Extension for nvim-cmp
 LSP hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua Extension for nvim-cmp
 LSP hrsh7th/cmp-path Extension for nvim-cmp
 LSP lukas-reineke/cmp-rg Extension for nvim-cmp
💡 LSP j-hui/fidget.nvim Spinner for LSP status
📢 LSP none-ls.nvim External Tool to LSP bridge
📢 LSP mason-null-ls.nvim Null LS and Mason bridge
📢 LSP mason-tool-installer LSP server installer
🗒️ Editing numToStr/Comment.nvim Comment string
🗒️ LSP smjonas/inc-rename.nvim Incremental renaming
🗒️ Editing windwp/nvim-autopairs
 Editing arthurxavierx/vim-caser Case conversion
🖌️ Visuals NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua Colourise matched colours in buffer
🦀 Tools saecki/crates.nvim Crate.toml helper
💡 LSP kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb Code actions buln
 Editing gbprod/substitute.nvim Text exchange operator
💡 LSP lsp_lines.nvim Show LSP diagnostics in extmarks
👈 Core milisims/nvim-luaref
🗒️ Editing echasnovski/mini.nvim For surround, alignments, etc.
 Core folke/neodev.nvim
📆 Tool nvim-neorg/neorg Note taking tool
 Lists kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf Better quickfix list manager
 Tool bfredl/nvim-luadev REPL/debug console for lua plugins
💡 LSP SmiteshP/nvim-navic Current code context with LSP
 Tool kiran94/s3edit.nvim Edit files on S3 bucket
🔍 Tool woosaaahh/sj.nvim Search and quickly jump
 Editing mbbill/undotree Undo tree browser
 GIT rbong/vim-flog git log graph
🎡 Visual towolf/vim-helm Helm syntax highlighting
 Core tmux-plugins/vim-tmux
 Editing mg979/vim-visual-multi Multiple cursors
🔫 Core svban/YankAssassin.vim Stay where you are after yanking
 Editing zbirenbaum/copilot.lua Copilot
 Editing Exafunction/codeium.vim Codeium (opensource copilot)
💡 LSP utilyre/barbecue.nvim Complementary to navic
 LSP uga-rosa/cmp-dynamic Extension for nvim-cmp
 Tool stevearc/overseer.nvim Task runner
🌈 Tool ziontee113/color-picker.nvim Colour picker and updater
 Editing aduros/ai.vim OpenAI plugin
 Tool tamton-aquib/duck.nvim Fun little ducks
🕸️ Tool rest-nvim/rest.nvim Fast http client in lua
🧰 Lib vhyrro/luarocks.nvim Easily install luarocks with lazy.nvim
🔍 Tool arsham/yanker.nvim Yank history helper
🗒️ Editing jbyuki/venn.nvim Draw ASCII diagrams
 Editing jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim ChatGPT
🔍 Finder nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim Fuzzy finder/picker
 Tool tpope/vim-dadbod Database connection and query manager

Note that if copilot is enabled, codeium will be disabled.

Core Mappings

In most mappings we are following this theme, unless there is an uncomfortable situation or messes with a community-driven or Vim's very well known mapping:

Part of mapping Description
q Quickfix list mappings
w Local list mappings (because it's near q)
w Window
] Jumps to the next item
[ Jumps to the previous item
b Buffer
f File, Find
a All, or disabling certain constraints
a Argument (parameter)
i Indent
m Match highlighting
d Diff, Diagnostics
h Hunk
c Change, Copilot, Codium
s Statement, Scope
o Loop
e Element
y Yank
t Tab
z Folds, language/spelling
g Go/Jump to, run something that goes/jumps to
n Neorg related
r Rest

The leader key is space!

Click to view mappings
Mapping Description
<Alt-,> Adds , at the end of current line without moving (repeatable)
<S-Alt-,> Removes , from the end of current line without moving (repeatable)
<Alt-.> Adds . at the end of current line without moving (repeatable)
<S-Alt-.> Removes . from the end of current line without moving (repeatable)
<Alt-;> Adds ; at the end of current line without moving (repeatable)
<S-Alt-;> Removes ; from the end of current line without moving (repeatable)
<Alt-{> Adds curly brackets at the end of line into insert mode (repeatable)
[count]]<space> Inserts [count] empty lines after (repeatable)
[count][<space> Inserts [count] empty lines before (repeatable)
]i Jump down along the indents
[i Jump up along the indents
<leader>oo Open the Oil buffer.
<leader>gg Fugitive git buffer
<leader>gd Fugitive git Diff
]c Jump to the next change
[c Jump to the previous change
<leader>gs (gitsigns) Toggle Signs
<leader>hb (gitsigns) Blame line
<leader>hs (gitsigns) Stage hunk
<leader>hl (gitsigns) Stage line
<leader>hu (gitsigns) Unstage hunk
<leader>hr (gitsigns) Reset hunk
<leader>hR (gitsigns) Reset buffer
<leader>hp (gitsigns) Preview hunk
]f Go to start of the next function
[f Go to start of the previous function
]F Go to end of the next function
[F Go to end of the previous function
]b Go to start of the next block
[b Go to start of the previous block
]B Go to end of the next block
[B Go to end of the previous block
]gc Go to start of the next comment
[gc Go to start of the previous comment
]a Go to start of the next parameter
[a Go to start of the previous parameter
]A Go to end of the next parameter
[A Go to end of the previous parameter
]o Go to the next loop
[o Go to the previous loop
]s Go to the next scope
[s Go to the previous scope
<leader>.f Swap around with the next function
<leader>,f Swap around with the previous function
<leader>.e Swap with the next element
<leader>,e Swap with the previous element
<leader>.a Swap with the next parameter
<leader>,a Swap with the previous parameter
<leader>df Peek function definition
[count]<Alt-j> Shifts line(s) down and format
[count]<Alt-k> Shifts line(s) up and format
g= Re-indents the hole buffer
<Left> Reduce vertical size
<Right> Increase vertical size
<Up> Reduce horizontal size
<Down> Increase horizontal size
<Esc><Esc> Clear hlsearch
<leader>gw Grep current Word in buffer. Populates the locallist.
<leader>sp Toggle Spelling for buffer
<leader>sf Auto fixes previous misspelled word
[i]<C-s> Auto fixes previous misspelled word
<leader>hh Opens the help for current word
<C-w>b Delete current buffer
<C-w><C-b> Delete current buffer
<C-w>t Open current buffer in new tab
<C-w><C-t> Open current buffer in new tab
cn Initiate a cgn on current word
[V]cn Initiate a cgn on current visually
selected string
g. Use last change (anything) as the
initiate a cgn on current word
<leader>zm Set folding method to Manual
<leader>ze Set folding method to Expression
<leader>zi Set folding method to Indent
<leader>zk Set folding method to Marker
<leader>zs Set folding method to Syntax
[c]<Alt-a> Go to begging of the line
[c]<Alt-e> Go to end of the line
[c]<C-r><C-l> Copy current line in the buffer
<Tab><Tab> Switch to the alternative buffer
gso Sort objects
gsoo Sort lines
[s][i]<Ctrl-l> Next snippet choice
[s][i]<Ctrl-h> Previous snippet choice
[n,v]gc Comment operator
<leader>nr Return from Neorg buffer
<leader>nm Modify code block with Neorg looking-glass
<leader>nh Neorg workspace Hme
<leader>nw Neorg Workspace
<leader>nj Neorg Journal
[Neorg]]] Neorg buffer next heading
[Neorg][[ Neorg buffer previous heading
<leader>us Unlink all open snippet sessions
<leader>ce Enable Copilot
<leader>cd Disable Copilot
<leader>cp Copilot Panel
]] (copilot panel) Jump to the next suggestion
[[ (copilot panel) Jump to the previous suggestion
<CR> (copilot panel) Accept suggestion
gr (copilot panel) Refresh
<Alt-CR> (copilot panel) Open
<Alt-]> (copilot suggestion) Next suggestion
<Alt-[> (copilot suggestion) Previous suggestion
<C-y><C-y> (copilot suggestion) Accept whole suggestion
<C-y><C-w> (copilot suggestion) Accept a word of suggestion
<C-y><C-l> (copilot suggestion) Accept a line of suggestion
<Ctrl-]> (copilot suggestion) Dismiss
<Leader>ce Enable Codeium
<Leader>cd Disable Codeium
<Leader>or Run overseer task
<Leader>ot Toggle overseer tasks panel
<Leader>fl Locate Files (neess mlocate)
<Leader>rr Run Rest Request under cursor
<Leader>rp Preview Rest Request under cursor in cURL command
<Leader>R Rreview the last Rest Request
<Leader>v Enable/Disable Venn
[v]<leader>bd Base64 decode visually selected text
[v]<leader>be Base64 encode visually selected text

Note that if copilot is enabled, codeium will be disabled.

There are more specialised mappings provided, keep reading please!

Text Objects

Click to view the text objects
Text Object Description
i` In backtick pairs (multi-line)
a` Around backtick pairs (multi-line)
an Around Next pairs (current lint)
in In Next pairs (current line)
iN In Numeric value (can be float too)
aN Around Numeric value
az Around folds
iz In folds
ai Around Indentation block
ii In Indentation block
ah Around Hunk
ih In Hunk
af Select around a function
if Select inside a function
am Select around a method
im Select inside a method
ab Select around a block
ib Select inside a block
aa Select around a parameter
ia Select inside a parameter
as Select around a statement
H To the beginning of line
L To the end of line
au Select around a unit
iu Select inside a unit
il In line
al Around line

There are sets of i* and a* text objects, where * can be any of: _ . : , ; | / \ * + - #


There are a few tools for interacting with quickfix and local lists. Following mappings can be used for either cases, all you need to do it to substitute w for q or vice versa. Generally q is for quickfix list and w is for local list. I chose w because it's beside q and it makes it easy to think about these two types of lists.

<leader>qq, <leader>ww, <leader>qn and <leader>wn are repeatable with .!

After adding an item to the list, an indicator in the statusline will show you how many items you have in a list.

Click to view mappings for lists
Mapping Description
<leader>cc Close both quickfix and local list windows
<leader>qq Add current line and column to the quickfix list.
<leader>qn Add current line and column with your note to the quickfix list.
<leader>qo Open the quickfix list.
<leader>qd Drop the quickfix list.
<leader>qc Close the quickfix list.
]q Go to the next item in the quickfix list and centre.
[q Go to the previous item in the quickfix list and centre.
<leader>wq Add current line and column to the locallist.
<leader>wn Add current line and column with your note to the locallist.
<leader>wo Open the locallist.
<leader>wd Drop the locallist.
<leader>wc Close the locallist.
]w Go to the next item in the locallist and centre.
[w Go to the previous item in the locallist and centre.
Click to view commands for lists
Command Description
Clearquickfix Clear the quickfix list.
Clearloclist Clear the local list of current buffer.

Additional to nvim-bqf bindings, you can do <count>dd in the quickfix/local list buffers to delete <count> rows from quickfix/local list buffer.

Highlight Matching

You can highlight words with random colours.

<leader>ma and <leader>me are repeatable with .!

Click to view the mappings

Note that all these mappings are bound to the current window.

Mapping Description
<leader>ma Add current word as a sub-pattern to the highlights.
<leader>me Add an exact match on current term.
<leader>mp Add an match by asking for a pattern.
<leader>ml Add current line
<leader>md Delete Matches with fzf search.
<leader>mc Clear all matched patterns on current window.


Click to view the mappings

Most actions can apply to multiple selected items if possible.

Mapping Description
<Ctrl-p> File list in current folder.
<Alt-p> File list in home folder.
<Ctrl-b> Buffer list.
<Alt-b> Delete buffers from the buffer list.
<Ctrl-/> Search in lines on current buffer.
<Alt-/> Search in lines of all open buffers.
<leader>@ Search in ctags or LSP symbols (see below).
<leader>: Commands
<leader>ff Find in contents of all files in current folder.
<leader>fF Like <leader>ff, but you can filter filenames too
<leader>fa Find All disabling .gitignore handling.
<leader>fA Like <leader>fA, but you can filter filenames too
<leader>fi Incrementally Find.
<leader>rg Search (rg) with current word.
<leader>fG Like <leader>fG, but you can filter filenames too
<leader>ra Search (rg) disabling .gitignore handling.
<leader>rA Like <leader>rA, but you can filter filenames too
<leader>ri Incrementally search (rg) with current word.
<leader>fh File History
<leader>fl File locate (requires mlocate)
<leader>gf GFiles
<leader>mm Marks
<Ctrl-x><Ctrl-k> Search in dictionaries (requires words-insane)
<Ctrl-x><Ctrl-f> Search in files
<Ctrl-x><Ctrl-l> Search in lines
<leader>kk Toggles file tree
<leader>kf Finds current file in the file tree

If you keep hitting <Ctrl-/> the preview window will change width. With Shift-/ you can show and hide the preview window.

When a file is selected, additional to what fzf provides out of the box, you can invoke one of these secondary actions:

Mapping Description
alt-/ To search in the lines.
alt-@ To search in ctags or lsp symbols.
alt-: To go to a specific line.
alt-q Add items to the quickfix list.
alt-w Add items to the local list.

Note that if a LSP server is not attached to the buffer, it will fall back to ctags.

Sometimes when you list files and sink with @, the LSP might not be ready yet, therefore it falls back to ctags immediately. In this case you can cancel, which will land you to the file, and you can invoke <leader>@ for LSP symbols.

There are a few added commands to what fzf provides.

Click to view the commands
Command Description
GGrep Run git grep
GTree Browse git commits
Marks Show marks with preview
MarksDelete Delete marks
Todo List todo/fixme lines
ArgsAdd Select and add files to the args list
ArgsDelete Select and delete files from the args list
Worktree Switch between git worktrees
BLines Search in current buffer
History Show open file history
Checkout Checkout a branch
GitStatus Show git status
Jumps Choose from jump list
Autocmds Show autocmds
Changes Show change list
Registers Show register contents
Yank Mappings Description
<leader>yh List Yank History)
<leader>y Yank to the + register (external clipboard)
<leader>p Paste from the + register
<leader>P Paste from the + register (before/above)
(v) p Paste on selected text without changing "reg


When a LSP server is attached to a buffer, a series of mappings will be defined for that buffer based on the server's capabilities. When possible, fzf will take over the results of the LSP mappings results.

Click to view the mappings
Mapping Description
<leader>dd Show line Diagnostics
<leader>dq Fill the Quicklist with Diagnostics
<leader>dw Fill the local list with Diagnostics
]d Go to next diagnostic issue (R)
[d Go to previous diagnostic issue (R)
H Hover popup
[i]<Alt-h> Hover popup
gd Go to Definition
2gd Go to Definition in vertical split
3gd Go to Definition in horizontal split
4gd Go to Definition in new tab
K Show Signature help
[i]<M-l> Show Signature help
[i]<Alt-l> Show Signature help
<leader>gq Format the buffer with LSP
[x]gq Format the selection with LSP
gq Format operator with LSP
<leader>i Organise imports
grn Incrementally rename symbol
grr Go to references
<leader>gi Go to Implementation
gD Go to Declaration
<leader>cr Code lens Run
gra Code Actions (also in visual mode)
<leader>gc Go to Caller
<leader>dr Restart the LSP server (see below)


  • Mappings marked with (R) are repeatable with ; and ,. Please see the code for all available mappings.


Mapping Description
[i]<C-j> Select next item
[i]<C-k> Select previous item
[i]<C-b> Scroll documents up
[i]<C-f> Scroll documents down
[i]<C-Space> Initiate completion menu (main one)
[i]<C-x><C-o> Initiate completion menu (lsp, buffer, rg)
[i]<C-x><C-r> Initiate completion menu (rg)
[i]<C-x><C-s> Initiate completion menu (luasnip)
[i]<C-x><C-g> Initiate completion menu (git)
[i,c]<C-e> Abort completion and close
[i,s]<Tab> Next placeholder
[i,s]<S-Tab> Previous placeholder

LSP defines its own set of commands, however I have added a few interesting additions.

Click to view the commands
Command Description
Diagnostics Alternative Diag
DiagnosticsAll Alternative DiagAll
Definition Go to the definition
CodeAction Also works on a visually selected text.
Callers Show callers and go to one
Callees Show callees and go to one
UnlinkSnippets Unlink all open snippet sessions
ListWorkspace List attached LSP workspace folders

The RestartLsp fixes an issue when the LspRestart does not have any effects.


The following list of commands do not fit into any specific categories.

Click to view the commands
Command Description
Filename View the filename
YankFilename Yank the filename to " register
YankFilenameC Yank the filename to + register
YankFilepath Yank the file path to " register
YankFilepathC Yank the file path to + register
Nowrap Stop wrapping current buffer
ToggleRelativeNumbers Start/Stop relative number switching
ToggleTrimWhitespaces Toggles trimming whitespaces on buffer
Scratch Create a scratch buffer
{range}Duck [args] Show some ducks
Give an icon for something else
{range}Cook Cook some ducks
FoldComments Fold comments (sets folding to expr)
EditConfig Edit configuration files in a new tab
LspCaps Show short LSP capabilities
LspCapsFull Show sull LSP capabilities
GoModTidy Run go mod tidy on go and mod files
Tmux Start a tmux project (using tmuxp)
LazyLoadAll Load all lazy-loaded plugins
CC Close all floating windows
ChatGPT Open interactive window
ChatGPTActAs Suggest an actor


I never was a fan of snippets, until I discovered the LuaSnip plugin and it changed my mind. Here is a demo of a couple of snippets shipped with this setup:

Click to view advance snippets demo

Queryrows snippet creates a useful code in Go that uses the Retry library for querying postgres.


Ife snippet is an improvement over a snippet by tjdevries that tries to work better with return values.



These are commands you can use in Lua land. Assign the required module to a variable and re-use.

local quick = require("arshlib.quick")


Executes a normal command. For example:

quick.normal("n", "y2k")

See :h feedkeys() for values of the mode.


Create highlight groups:

quick.highlight("LspReferenceRead", { ctermbg = 180, guibg = "#43464F", style = "bold" })

Call and Centre

These functions will call your function/command and then centres the buffer:


Plugin License List

Click to view the plugin list
Plugin License
folke/lazy.nvim Apache-2.0
arsham/arshamiser.nvim MIT
arsham/arshlib.nvim MIT
arsham/listish.nvim MIT
nvim-web-devicons MIT
nvim-lua/plenary.nvim MIT
junegunn/fzf MIT
junegunn/fzf.vim MIT
arsham/fzfmania.nvim MIT
ibhagwan/fzf-lua AGPL-3.0
tweekmonster/startuptime.vim MIT
tpope/vim-repeat N/A
arsham/archer.nvim MIT
nui.nvim MIT
indent-tools.nvim MIT
matchmaker.nvim MIT
stevearc/oil.nvim MIT
stevearc/oil.nvim MIT
tpope/vim-fugitive N/A
tpope/vim-rhubarb MIT
tpope/vim-git N/A
nvim-treesitter Apache-2.0
lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim MIT
treesitter-textobjects Apache-2.0
freddiehaddad/feline.nvim GPL-3.0
rcarriga/nvim-notify MIT
treesitter-refactor Apache-2.0
nvim-treesitter/playground Apache-2.0
context-commentstring MIT
andymass/vim-matchup MIT
monaqa/dial.nvim MIT
stevearc/dressing.nvim MIT
mattn/vim-gist N/A
RaafatTurki/hex.nvim MIT
iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim MIT
numToStr/Navigator.nvim MIT
nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim MIT
s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker MIT
ralismark/opsort.vim MIT
sQVe/sort.nvim MIT
dhruvasagar/vim-zoom N/A
David-Kunz/treesitter-unit Unlicense
neovim/nvim-lspconfig Apache-2.0
mason.nvim Apache-2.0
mason-lspconfig.nvim Apache-2.0
hrsh7th/nvim-cmp MIT
saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip Apache-2.0
L3MON4D3/LuaSnip Apache-2.0
hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline N/A
friendly-snippets MIT
hrsh7th/cmp-buffer MIT
hrsh7th/cmp-calc N/A
hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp MIT
hrsh7th/lsp-signature-help N/A
hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua N/A
hrsh7th/cmp-path MIT
lukas-reineke/cmp-rg MIT
j-hui/fidget.nvim MIT
none-ls.nvim Unlicense
mason-null-ls.nvim AGPL-3.0
mason-tool-installer MIT
numToStr/Comment.nvim MIT
smjonas/inc-rename.nvim MIT
windwp/nvim-autopairs MIT
arthurxavierx/vim-caser View
NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua View
saecki/crates.nvim MIT
kosayoda/nvim-lightbulb MIT
gbprod/substitute.nvim WTFPL
lsp_lines.nvim ISC
milisims/nvim-luaref MIT
echasnovski/mini.nvim MIT
folke/neodev.nvim Apache-2.0
nvim-neorg/neorg GPL-3.0
kevinhwang91/nvim-bqf BSD-3-Clause
bfredl/nvim-luadev MIT
SmiteshP/nvim-navic Apache-2.0
kiran94/s3edit.nvim MIT
woosaaahh/sj.nvim MIT
mbbill/undotree N/A
towolf/vim-helm View
tmux-plugins/vim-tmux N/A
mg979/vim-visual-multi MIT
svban/YankAssassin.vim N/A
zbirenbaum/copilot.lua MIT
Exafunction/codeium.vim MIT
utilyre/barbecue.nvim MIT
uga-rosa/cmp-dynamic MIT
stevearc/overseer.nvim MIT
ziontee113/color-picker.nvim MIT
aduros/ai.vim ISC
tamton-aquib/duck.nvim MIT
nvim-rest/rest.nvim MIT
vhyrro/luarocks.nvim Unlicense
arsham/yanker.nvim MIT
jbyuki/venn.nvim MIT
jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim Apache-2.0
telescope.nvim MIT
tpope/vim-dadbod VIM