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Source Code for compiling LensCap plugin for Unreal Engine projects

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Source Code for compiling LensCap plugin for Unreal Engine projects

Table of Contents


This Project contains all the necessary source code to create a split-process (LensCap) application using Unreal Engine, via plugins, and how to enable the LensCap functionality in stand-alone Android projects

System Requirements

  • General Requirements:
    • Unreal Engine v4.24.3 built from source
    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 v16.6.0
  • Android Requirements:
    • Android Studio v3.6.1
    • SDK Android 9.0 (Pie)
    • NDK r14b (it can be installed via CodeWorks, instructions on how to install it are availavble here)

Configure Unreal

In order to get the LensCap plugin to correctly build in Unreal Engine, some modifications and additions must be made to the source code of the Engine itself. Creating a new project with the LensCap plugins also requires additional steps.

1.1 Setup LensCap source files in Unreal

Make a blank folder named LensCap the following path of your Unreal Engine source code: UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\ThirdParty Copy the four libraries found under engineComponents into the newly created LensCap folder.

1.2 Creating Unreal project with LensCap

There are a few additional steps in building an Unreal Engine project with LensCap plugins correctly:

  1. Open Up the new project creator in Unreal and select new project
  2. Use the Handheld AR Template
  3. In the options switch build for Desktop/Console to Mobile/Tablet and create the project
  4. Close the project, and navigate to its source code, in its main folder copy the Plugins folder found in this repo.
  5. Open the project in Unreal Engine again, under settings->plugins->Project(at very bottom of left-hand-side) enable the two plugins LensCap Network Transceiver module and Lenscap VisualTransceiver module, Do Not Press Restart afterwards, just close the settings window when done.
  6. Under Settings-> Project Settings-> Platforms -> Android SDK, ensure that the Location of Android NDK is pointing to the r14b NDK required and that the NDK API Level is set as android-19.
  7. Create an empty C++ class, File->New C++ class-> none. The name you give it does not matter.
  8. Also under file, click on Refresh Visual Studio Project or Generate Visual Studio Project if the latter is not available
  9. Close Unreal Engine and open up the project's visual studio solution
  10. Then under solution explorer right-click your project select Project Only->Build only [Your Project Name]
  11. Once it has built, open up the project in Unreal Engine and launch it to the desired device.
  12. The application will then launch on the device

Configure Android

In order to enable LensCap functionality the Android source code needs some changes to it, and therfore must be edited, the easiest way to do this is through Android Studio and the following instructions assume that Android Studiois being used and that the Unreal Project has already been created and built.

1.1 Opening Android project

The Android source code project can be opened by opening the following file path in Android Studio: [Your Project]\Intermediate\Android\APK\Gradle. It is also recommended that the view of the file explorer is switch to Project, for the sake of making the files easier to access.

1.2 Enabling LensCap in Android

There are a few additional steps in enabling LensCap in Android Studio, due to the limitations of automation in Unreal Engine:

  1. Comment out ndk version line in
  2. In change the SDK versions to:
  1. In settings.gradle add the following anywhere in the file:
include ':app-networks',':VisualTransceiver',':NetworkTransceiver'
include ':SharedMemLib'
  1. The project build.gradle should be changed to look accordingly:
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.

buildscript {
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.61'
    ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.21'
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"

        // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
        // in the individual module build.gradle files
    apply from: 'buildscriptAdditions.gradle', to: buildscript

apply from: 'baseBuildAdditions.gradle'

allprojects {
    repositories {

task clean(type: Delete) {
    delete rootProject.buildDir
  1. In the apps build.gradle the following dependency should be added:
implementation project(path: ':VisualTransceiver')
  1. In the apps (found under gradle->app->src->main->java->com->epicgames.ue4) add the following to its imports:
import edu.ame.asu.meteor.lenscap.visualtransceiver.VisualLensCapTransceiver;
  1. Uncomment the following lines for the LensCap variables and functions:
    • private VisualLensCapTransceiver lensCap; (line: 565)
    • StartLensCap() (line: 637-657)
  2. In line 540 the networks gameactivity (found under gradle->app-network->src->main->java->com->epicgames.ue4) the old package name has to be replaced with the package name of your new project:
val launchIntent = packageManager.getLaunchIntentForPackage("com.meteor.ARtest_2")

com.meteor.ARtest_2 should be replaced with own package name 9. In line 88 of the NetworkTransceiver's transmitter service (found under gradle->NetworkTransciever->main->>networktransceiver) the old package name has to be replaced with the package name of your new project:


com.meteor.ARtest_2 should be replaced with own package name

App Usage in Android

Launching the application with LensCap also requires some additional steps:

  1. First the visual process (app-app) has to be launched, and the Start AR button must be pressed prior to launching the network.
  2. Then the network process (app-networks) can be launched, and the start AR button can be pressed on it to begin your LensCap experience
  3. The overlay of the network process can be dismissed at any time by pressing the back key on the device.


  author = {Hu, Jinhan and Iosifescu, Andrei and LiKamWa, Robert},
  title = {LensCap: Split-Process Framework for Fine-Grained Visual Privacy Control for Augmented Reality Apps},
  year = {2021},
  isbn = {9781450384438},
  publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1145/3458864.3467676},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services},
  pages = {14–27},
  numpages = {14},
  keywords = {AR application development, unreal engine, visual privacy, augmented reality security, split-process control},
  location = {Virtual Event, Wisconsin},
  series = {MobiSys '21}

Revision History

  • 6/6/2021- Added Initial source code
  • 6/11/2021- Added additional NDK information and cleaned up naming conventions
  • 10/5/2021- Created test branch with updated version of project


Source Code for compiling LensCap plugin for Unreal Engine projects






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