I am a software engineer looking for challenging problems to solve. My specialization is backend development with a strong emphasis on Domain Driven Design, Elixir/OTP principles, and modular software design.
The goal I constantly pursue is to build modern and unique products that allow you to change the world with your business.
- I’m currently working at zenloop as Senior Elixir Engineer. We collect and analyze your's customers feedback, automate your customer retention, and grow revenues instantly.
- Learning about software engineering, functional programming, and modular software design.
- Writing about the technology at bartoszgorka.com
- E-mail: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: bartoszgorka96
- Twitter: bartoszgorka96
- Customize outputs with Inspect protocol
- Features of well-prepared tests
- Use GitHub discussion to have comments on your Jekyll blog
- TIL: Using phash2 for data partitioning
- Tech Companies Layoffs
- TIL: Only one server will run your migrations
- Refactoring is the key to success
- TIL: Regex with name bindings
- Should Team Lead continue to code?
- Take care of your health