"Minilos" (or "minyls") is an attempt to adapt the experience of owning and playing vinyl records to the digital age.
NFC-enabled mini-vynils are read with a raspberry-pi-powered record-player, which reads the album from the NFC chip and plays it on spotify using their REST API.
- A raspberry pi
- An MFRC522 NFC reader, plus NFC tags
- A spotify premium account (otherwise you can't use the API)
First, hook up the NFC reader to your Rpi. An image with the pinout is included on on NFC_MFRC522_RPI.png
Note: for the following steps you'll need python2 and pip.
To install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then make a copy of the sample config files:
cp album_mapping.sample.py album_mapping.py
cp spotify_keys.sample.py spotify_keys.py
And you should now be ready to run the program:
python main.py
We're using an MFRC522 NFC reader, and using the following library: https://github.com/pimylifeup/MFRC522-python.
We're using the spotify API https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/player/
Spotify AUTH guide https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/authorization-guide/
Spotify APP dashboard https://developer.spotify.com/dashboard/applications
First run export FLASK_APP=spotify_auth.py ; flask run --host=
then click on the /authorize
endpoint that will appear on the console
This will take you to a browser where you can login
The callback will request a final token for your user
Copy the refresh_token
in a new variable in spotify_keys.py
This refresh token will be used to get a brand new auth_token everytime you make a request.
The file album_mapping.py
contains a mapping from NFC tag IDs to spotify album/playlist/song URIs. Add your own!