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Non-critical corrections - October 2024 Edition #1106

epage opened this issue Oct 1, 2024 · 39 comments · Fixed by #1140

Non-critical corrections - October 2024 Edition #1106

epage opened this issue Oct 1, 2024 · 39 comments · Fixed by #1140
C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations


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epage commented Oct 1, 2024

Please list any corrections you noticed typos doesn't fix and we'll roll these up into a single PR, making it lighter weight for adding new corrections.

Preferred format (for easy copy/pasting):

bad1 -> good1
bad2 -> good2

(using a code block allows me one-click copy/paste)

Feel free to update your comment as you find more suggestions for this month to reduce noise and making updating the dictionary easier

Please use dedicated issues for false positives as they likely need more discussion than is intended for this thread.

Related open issues

@epage epage added the C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations label Oct 1, 2024
@epage epage pinned this issue Oct 1, 2024
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NathanBaulch commented Oct 1, 2024

aganst -> against
alarams -> alarms
arrarys -> arrays
avaiable -> available
belive -> believe
budegets -> budgets
camcel -> camel
constructior -> constructor
decyrpt -> decrypt
dertails -> details
desending -> descending
detalis -> details
digitially -> digitally
diql -> dial
echosystem -> ecosystem
eliminting -> eliminating
emitetd -> emitted
empyty -> empty
enchancements -> enhancements
encodng -> encoding
endpoings -> endpoints
envlope -> envelope
errrors -> errors
exansion -> expansion
existiong -> existing
fascilitating -> facilitating
guestimate -> guesstimate
harnesss -> harness
hopefuly -> hopefully
idenfier -> identifier
idenitier -> identifier
implementtions -> implementations
importamnt -> important
inbbox -> inbox
incuring -> incurring
insenitively -> insensitively
intergations -> integrations
intstantly -> instantly
mechisms -> mechanisms
mnethods -> methods
nomrally -> normally
parameer -> parameter
patterened - patterned
perfomed -> performed
personmal -> personal
practicallity -> practicality
privisoned -> provisioned
proifle -> profile
proivder -> provider
provisoner -> provisioner
reintialize -> reinitialize
reploying -> redeploying
seriaized -> serialized
sserver -> server
strting -> string
subscibres -> subscribers
sythetics -> synthetics
uncesessarily -> unnesessarily
unocode -> unicode
unweildy -> unwieldy
validat -> validate
wedeged -> wedged

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jrosdahl commented Oct 1, 2024

balue -> blue, value # not just blue
bugg -> bug
buggs -> bugs
diresired -> desired
exicutable -> executable
exicute -> -> execute
exicuteable -> executable
exicutes -> -> executes
exicuting -> -> executing
functiuon -> function
functiuons -> functions
latiude -> latitude
latiudes -> latitudes
longiude -> longitude
longiudes -> longitudes
singleon -> singleton

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kachick commented Oct 1, 2024

didin't -> didn't


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ember91 commented Oct 3, 2024

Most of these are from a spell check from the CPython source code. Some of these may not be worth bringing in, but I'll leave that to you.

abondened -> abandoned
advices -> advice, advises
allococate -> allocate
amost -> almost
byt -> byte
catostraphically -> catastrophically
checkings -> checkins, checks
combintation -> combination
compabibility -> compatibility
compiliance -> compliance
condiion -> condition
contanst -> constants, contents
createad -> created
datastucture -> datastructure
declators -> declarators
decoratored -> decorated
deferenced -> dereference
deferrred -> deferred
dencodings -> encodings
didn"t -> didn't
distributon -> distribution
ellipis -> ellipsis
exclamanation -> exclamation
exponentional -> exponential
extremally -> extremely
finallization -> finalization
forbiddent -> forbidden
granparent -> grandparent
guaratees -> guarantees
initializexd -> initialized
interprer -> interpreter
isoloated -> isolated
itelf -> itself
kweyword -> keyword
lage -> large
licenced -> licensed
materializatons -> materializations
maunally -> manually
mutablility -> mutability
nocontinuable -> noncontinuable
optimiations -> optimizations
pharse -> parse, phrase
potentital -> potential
precondidition -> precondition
primsry -> primary
qouoted -> quoted
rearrage -> rearrange
recalulated -> recalculated
recurding -> recurring
regresstion -> regression
rety -> retry
rseolution -> resolution
saniziter -> sanitizer
signater -> signature
spezialiced -> specialized
subclasseses -> subclasses
sunbinterpreter -> subinterpreter
suppresssions -> suppressions
swalled -> stalled, swapped
sybmols -> symbols
tchnically -> technically
tect -> test, text
temptative -> tentative
tnan -> than
trasnformations -> transformations
triying -> trying
undefinetively -> indefinitely
undelering -> underlying
unexpectedtly -> unexpectedly
uniforum -> uniform
unlkely -> unlikely
variabled -> variable, variables
wainting -> waiting, wanting
whitin -> within
wssn't -> wasn't

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akx commented Oct 3, 2024

exepect -> expect
assined -> assigned


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Veetaha commented Oct 3, 2024

meeans -> means
ovewritable -> overwritable

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metamophosis -> metamorphosis

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proeperty -> property

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subscibres -> subscribers

I suggest instead:

subscibres -> subscribers, subscribes
subscribres -> subscribers, subscribes

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LeoDog896 commented Oct 4, 2024

additivive -> additive
bijcetive -> bijective
coressponding -> corresponding
traisivity -> transivity
substitte -> substitute

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szepeviktor commented Oct 5, 2024

degister -> deregister
erquest -> request
cralwer -> crawler

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justanotheranonymoususer commented Oct 6, 2024

notorization -> notarization
notorize -> notarize

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SOF3 commented Oct 7, 2024

clsuters -> clusters

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gaurenteed -> guaranteed

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nicholaskuechler commented Oct 8, 2024

pasasword -> password
sescrets -> secrets


This comment was marked as resolved.

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Collaborator Author

epage commented Oct 9, 2024

@szepeviktor if you'd like them included, please summarize them in a comment

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autmoation -> automation
autmoations -> automations
instrucution -> instruction
instrucutions -> instructions
opinoniated -> opinionated
differiator -> differentiator

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jtilly commented Oct 9, 2024

nighly -> nightly
nightlty -> nightly 

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svchb commented Oct 10, 2024

transimtted -> transmitted 

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pagenation -> pagination

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cmdcolin commented Oct 12, 2024

winthin -> within
genomew -> genome
variatnts -> variants
variatnt -> variant
siezes -> sizes, seizes
miltiple -> multiple

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NathanBaulch commented Oct 14, 2024

accetps -> accepts
addititonal -> additional
adjument -> adjustment
anyaway -> anyway
avoif -> avoid
cancelleation -> cancellation
cihers -> ciphers
clent -> client
clipboar -> clipboard
clogure -> clojure
commamd -> command
conditionnally -> conditionally
contanier -> container
continuousy -> continuously
credntial -> credential
creting -> creating
descriminator -> discriminator
diolog -> dialog
duplcates -> duplicates
duraiton -> duration
editon -> edition
environmnent - environment
exceptino -> exception
executatables -> executables
explicity -> explicitly
feches -> fetches
generaotr -> generator
hierchal -> hierarchical
idempontent - idempotent
incliding -> including
inexistent -> nonexistent
inilne -> inline
inobtrusive -> unobtrusive
inpect -> inspect
instancees -> instances
itms -> items
knonw -> known
modyfing -> modifying
multine -> multiline
mutally -> mutually
nighly -> nightly
originl -> original
overrided -> overridden
paramteters -> parameters
particual -> particular
peassignment -> reassignment
persisent -> persistent
pervious -> previous
prestine -> pristine
reaed -> read
refiined -> refined
relect -> reelect
releection -> reelection
repetead -> repeated
repoen -> reopen
reqroduce -> reproduce
requeueing -> requeuing
requiements -> requirements
restartalbe -> restartable
retuerned -> returned
segnemt -> segment
semantical -> semantic
seriolization -> serialization
serviec -> service
shemas -> schemas
sneding -> sending
statisfieds -> satisfies
thah -> than
tpic -> topic
trasversing -> traversing
unaccessible - inaccessible
unintuitve -> unintuitive
uniqness -> uniqueness
unsuppported -> unsupported
unterleaved -> interleaved
whaterver -> whatever
whench -> whence
wirldcard -> wildcard
withen -> within
woring -> working
zookeper -> zookeeper

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ncvv commented Oct 15, 2024

metedata -> metadata

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SOF3 commented Oct 16, 2024

handlign -> handling

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mo8it commented Oct 16, 2024

exerise -> exercise
exericse -> exercise

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seconde -> second

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sucessor -> successor

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thir -> their

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hofbi commented Oct 21, 2024

candiadate -> candidate
devconainer -> devcontainer
favourite -> favorite

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warumup -> warmup

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QuendirSkye commented Oct 22, 2024

audo -> audio
subtittles -> subtitles

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repedetly -> repeatedly

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mrmundt commented Oct 28, 2024

fould -> foul, fouled, fold
exprression -> expression
triggeresd -> triggered

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RainRat commented Oct 29, 2024

aattributes -> attributes
abadonded -> abandoned
abadonding -> abandoning
abble -> able
abbrevating -> abbreviating
ablout -> about
accelration -> acceleration
accessess -> accesses
acclerate -> accelerate
accmulate -> accumulate
accumualtor -> accumulator
accumuate -> accumulate
acknowldege -> acknowledge
activison -> activision
adddition -> addition
addressd -> addressed
addressse -> addresses
administative -> administrative
adpative -> adaptive
aggreagator -> aggregator
aggreived -> aggrieved
agigressive -> aggressive
aimation -> animation
aiplanes -> airplanes
aknowledgment -> acknowledgment
algorithimcally -> algorithmically
algoritthm -> algorithm
alhpabetic -> alphabetic
alignent -> alignment
alowable -> allowable
alphanumberic -> alphanumeric
alwayse -> always
ampitude -> amplitude
amplitde -> amplitude
animtion -> animation
anlaysis -> analysis
anntations -> annotations
anntoations -> annotations
anonynous -> anonymous
appearnce -> appearance
applicble -> applicable
aprticle -> particle
argumment -> argument
ariculations -> articulations
arithetic -> arithmetic
artficial -> artificial
asistant -> assistant
asronist -> arsonist
assembeler -> assembler
assignent -> assignment
associatio -> association
asymetrically -> asymmetrically
asymettric -> asymmetric
attenion -> attention
attenutaion -> attenuation
attriutes -> attributes
atttempt -> attempt
auotmatically -> automatically
authentcation -> authentication
authentificated -> authenticated
autimagically -> automagically
autoagressive -> autoaggressive
autocompete -> autocomplete
automagicall -> automagically
backslah -> backslash
backslahes -> backslashes
banching -> branching
basod -> based
beakpoints -> breakpoints
beginng -> beginning
beginnner -> beginner
bellonging -> belonging
binares -> binaries
bitfiled -> bitfield
bloching -> blocking
bokmarks -> bookmarks
bookkeping -> bookkeeping
bramches -> branches
breakpint -> breakpoint
breapoint -> breakpoint
brigher -> brighter
brightess -> brightness
brughtness -> brightness
calcuating -> calculating
calculted -> calculated
calllbacks -> callbacks
canoncialize -> canonicalize
canonicied -> canonified
capabiilities -> capabilities
capaciaty -> capacity
catridge -> cartridge
ccontrol -> control
cconverter -> converter
chacking -> checking
changess -> changes
charactr -> character
characyers -> characters
checkoints -> checkpoints
chhange -> change
circularlly -> circularly
classfication -> classification
clpboard -> clipboard
cmpression -> compression
cnannels -> channels
cntroller -> controller
cnversation -> conversation
coincidantal -> coincidental
collabsible -> collapsible
collased -> collapsed
colllect -> collect
colllection -> collection
comapators -> comparators
combinatorc -> combinatoric
comensurate -> commensurate
commandis -> commands
commmons -> commons
commuable -> commutable
communucation -> communication
compaible -> compatible
compiation -> compilation
compils -> compiles
compiltaion -> compilation
completeed -> completed
compononent -> component
compostion -> composition
comprehesive -> comprehensive
compressd -> compressed
compresseed -> compressed
comutation -> commutation, computation
comutations -> computations
comversion -> conversion
concatanate -> concatenate
concatnated -> concatenated
confituration -> configuration
confiures -> configures
conitional -> conditional
conitnuing -> continuing
connectons -> connections
conponent -> component
conponents -> components
conservatibe -> conservative
conseutive -> consecutive
consruct -> construct
constats -> constants
constrctors -> constructors
consuption -> consumption
contetns -> contents
contfibs -> contribs
contibutors -> contributors
contigously -> contiguously
contiunous -> continuous
contolled -> controlled
contstraints -> constraints
conversible -> convertible
convicing -> convincing
convrets -> converts
copryight -> copyright
corectable -> correctable
corportaion -> corporation
correcct -> correct
correcteness -> correctness
correpond -> correspond
corrputed -> corrupted
corruptd -> corrupted
cosidered -> considered
cosntant -> constant
cotangens -> cotangents
cotnrols -> controls
coulour -> colour
couterparts -> counterparts
coverign -> covering
cpmpression -> compression
cretical -> critical
croshairs -> crosshairs
crossair -> crosshair
crowsourced -> crowdsourced
crytographic -> cryptographic
crytographically -> cryptographically
cyptography -> cryptography
daatsheet -> datasheet
dailogue -> dialogue
dallocate -> deallocate
dataste -> dataset
datatime -> datetime
daughterbord -> daughterboard
dcompressed -> decompressed
ddevices -> devices
ddictionary -> dictionary
debbugged -> debugged
debbugger -> debugger
debugget -> debugger
decdoing -> decoding
decenders -> descenders
decopresses -> decompresses
decrations -> decorations
decremenst -> decrements
decriment -> decrement
decrytped -> decrypted
deduplicacion -> deduplication
deferefernce -> dereference
definision -> definition
delimiation -> delimitation
delimietrs -> delimiters
deliminator -> delimiter
delimitter -> delimiter
dellocate -> deallocate
demonstating -> demonstrating
demphasize -> deemphasize
denmmark -> denmark
dentence -> sentence
deoendencies -> dependencies
depanding -> depending
depnding -> depending
deprecat -> deprecated, deprecate
derection -> direction
dereferrence -> dereference
derivatvies -> derivatives
descrbes -> describes
descreptions -> descriptions
descripion -> description
descrived -> described
descriving -> describing
desctivates -> deactivates
despenser -> dispenser
destance -> distance
detaction -> detection
detctor -> detector
deterimnes -> determines
diaabled -> disabled
diagostic -> diagnostic
diallows -> disallows
diassembly -> disassembly
dictionaly -> dictionary
dictionaty -> dictionary
dijsktra -> dijkstra
dinominator -> denominator
diration -> duration
dirations -> durations
dirction -> direction
direcional -> directional
disabmiguate -> disambiguate
disambiguaing -> disambiguating
disasemble -> disassemble
disassebler -> disassembler
disassember -> disassembler
disassemblerr -> disassembler
disassemle -> disassemble
disassmebles -> disassembles
disciminate -> discriminate
disciminator -> discriminator
discrimnator -> discriminator
disillation -> distillation
disimilar -> dissimilar
dispacement -> displacement
dispplay -> display
disttributed -> distributed
ditionary -> dictionary
djikstra -> dijkstra
documentstion -> documentation
downsteam -> downstream
downstrean -> downstream
drection -> direction
droppong -> dropping
duplciates -> duplicates
duplictaed -> duplicated
durtaion -> duration
dymanic -> dynamic
dynamcally -> dynamically
eauality -> equality
eecutable -> executable
efficiant -> efficient
effiecnet -> efficient
elecricity -> electricity
electonic -> electronic
electromechnical -> electromechanical
elemenal -> elemental
eletronics -> electronics
elimiation -> elimination
elimnate -> eliminate
embbeddings -> embeddings
embeeded -> embedded
embendings -> embeddings
emittter -> emitter
emmbedding -> embedding
emptyness -> emptiness
encapuslates -> encapsulates
enchantents -> enchantments
encorcing -> enforcing
endianesse -> endianness
endiannness -> endianness
endienness -> endianness
endorced -> endorsed
enevlope -> envelope
englissh -> english
enhancemants -> enhancements
enhancemenmt -> enhancement
enhhancement -> enhancement
enlightment -> enlightenment
ennemies -> enemies
ennumerate -> enumerate
enpdoint -> endpoint
enterred -> entered
enterring -> entering
enumarations -> enumerations
enumertion -> enumeration
environmentt -> environment
epression -> expression
equavalent -> equivalent
equavilent -> equivalent
erminated -> terminated
eroniously -> erroneously
erroniously -> erroneously
esttings -> settings
esumption -> resumption
exausting -> exhausting
exceeeded -> exceeded
excrumentially -> excruciatingly
executabled -> executable, executables
exeecutable -> executable
expanson -> expansion
expcetion -> exception
expension -> expansion
explicitally -> explicitly
exracting -> extracting
extensios -> extensions
exterbal -> external
extnesions -> extensions
extracotr -> extractor
extremeties -> extremities
extremites -> extremities
facorty -> factory
failitate -> facilitate
famework -> framework
fartherest -> furthest
febrary -> february
feedbakc -> feedback
ferbuary -> february
filebame -> filename
filessystem -> filesystem
finihed -> finished
finihsed -> finished
finising -> finishing
fliename -> filename
fomatters -> formatters
foregroung -> foreground
formulat -> formula
forrmatter -> formatter
fortuntely -> fortunately
foucsed -> focused
fractoinal -> fractional
framentation -> fragmentation
frams -> frames
frational -> fractional
frequecy -> frequency
frindly -> friendly
frustations -> frustrations
fullsceren -> fullscreen
functoin -> function
functuon -> function
geneators -> generators
granulatity -> granularity
guarteed -> guaranteed
halucinate -> hallucinate
halucination -> hallucination
handelrs -> handlers
handlign -> handling
hashtabke -> hashtable
headear -> header
healther -> healthier
heruistics -> heuristics
horizobtal -> horizontal
horizonatally -> horizontally
hypentated -> hyphenated
hyperparamters -> hyperparameters
idenifiers -> identifiers
identcal -> identical
identificator -> identifier
identyty -> identity
idependent -> independent
iether -> either
immedaitely -> immediately
imobilisation -> immobilisation
impelemnt -> implement
impicitly -> implicitly
impleemntation -> implementation
implementtion -> implementation
implmeentation -> implementation
improvee -> improve
improvess -> improves
includin -> including
inclusice -> inclusive
incrases -> increases
incremnetal -> incremental
incured -> incurred
indecated -> indicated
indicatess -> indicates
indpendence -> independence
inejction -> injection
inelligible -> ineligible
inentory -> inventory
inerpolation -> interpolation
ingredent -> ingredient
iniitalized -> initialized
initiale -> initial
initialies -> initialise
initilaize -> initialize
injcetion -> injection
inpiration -> inspiration
insers -> inserts
insigned -> unsigned
insteadd -> instead
insteading -> instead
instrucction -> instruction
instructino -> instruction
instructoin -> instruction
insttruction -> instruction
insttuction -> instruction
instucts -> instructs
intagible -> intangible
intefaces -> interfaces
intefering -> interfering
intenses -> intents
intensites -> intensities
interactve -> interactive
interdependecies -> interdependencies
intereact -> interact
interlaing -> interlacing
intermisson -> intermission
interrputs -> interrupts
intersectin -> intersection, intersecting
interting -> interacting, inserting
intesections -> intersections
intiantiate -> instantiate
introdiced -> introduced
introuduces -> introduces
inventroy -> inventory
inventry -> inventory
irectory -> directory
irrellevant -> irrelevant
isplayed -> displayed, misplayed
istantly -> instantly
istruction -> instruction
itearates -> iterates
itegration -> integration
itentical -> identical
iteractive -> interactive
iterleave -> interleave
itertions -> iterations
itervals -> intervals
itterable -> iterable
ivolving -> involving, evolving
keybindining -> keybinding
lexicographycally -> lexicographically
licenes -> license
licesing -> licensing
licesned -> licensed
lifetyle -> lifestyle
ligitimate -> legitimate
macinery -> machinery
maintaied -> maintained
maketplace -> marketplace
mandotory -> mandatory
manfacturer -> manufacturer
manipulaitng -> manipulating
melborne -> melbourne
merchantablity -> merchantability
messaage -> message
messagge -> message
metafata -> metadata
microprecessor -> microprocessor
microsot -> microsoft
micrphone -> microphone
middte -> middle
milesecond -> millisecond
miltiline -> multiline
miltiplication -> multiplication
misaligments -> misalignments
miscellaenous -> miscellaneous
mislading -> misleading, misloading
missalignment -> misalignment
misspellt -> misspelt
mmanifest -> manifest
mmonitoring -> monitoring
mnemoncis -> mnemonics
mneonics -> mnemonics
modesl -> models
modiiers -> modifiers
modiying -> modifying
modyfying -> modifying
momen -> moment
momenet -> moment
monochome -> monochrome
monochrom -> monochrome
monocrhome -> monochrome
mormal -> normal
motorolla -> motorola
mototola -> motorola
moveement -> movement
mportant -> important
muliplier -> multiplier
multiprocesing -> multiprocessing
mutimodule -> multimodule
mutiplier -> multiplier
mutlivolume -> multivolume
namepaces -> namespaces
namespae -> namespace
namespce -> namespace
namespsce -> namespace
nanseconds -> nanoseconds
ncessary -> necessary
ncrement -> increment
necessiated -> necessitated
niave -> naive
nickame -> nickname
nimations -> animations
nmemonic -> mnemonic
nodeterministic -> nondeterministic
noexistent -> nonexistent
nofications -> notifications
nondeteministic -> nondeterministic
normlaized -> normalized
normlize -> normalize
nreferenced -> unreferenced
nummerical -> numerical
nunnecssary -> unnecessary
obesrver -> observer
objetive -> objective
obviouly -> obviously
occrured -> occurred
occulsion -> occlusion
ocmpared -> compared
ocmputed -> computed
oeration -> operation
oerations -> operations
offxet -> offset
ommissions -> omissions
operatoes -> operates, operators
opppsite -> opposite
opreands -> operands
optimizaions -> optimizations
optimzing -> optimizing
optionsl -> optional,  options
orentation -> orientation
oscilations -> oscillations
oscurity -> obscurity
otherviese -> otherwise
otrhographic -> orthographic
overivew -> overview
overlyaing -> overlaying
overrrided -> overridden
overstreching -> overstretching
paddding -> padding
palettte -> palette
palyback -> playback
panasoic -> panasonic
paragrap -> paragraph
parallalized -> parallelized
paralleism -> parallelism
paralleized -> parallelized
parallism -> parallelism
parametar -> parameter
passhtrough -> passthrough
pathanme -> pathname
peaces -> pieces, peace
pecision -> precision
percenage -> percentage
perfored -> performed
performmed -> performed
peristence -> persistence
permenent -> permanent
persisent -> persistent
petterns -> patterns
peusdo -> pseudo
phoentic -> phonetic
phospor -> phosphor
piorities -> priorities
plaintest -> plaintext
plarformer -> platformer
plcement -> placement
poiinter -> pointer
pointint -> pointing
poitners -> pointers
polyginal -> polygonal
polymoprhic -> polymorphic
pomegrenate -> pomegranate
popuation -> population
posistions -> positions
positition -> position
posssibly -> possibly
postcript -> postscript
postiion -> position
potemtial -> potential
potetial -> potential
potraits -> portraits
poweshell -> powershell
prceeding -> preceding
precalulated -> precalculated
precomupted -> precomputed
preconditon -> precondition
preditable -> predictable
preexisiting -> preexisting
preferece -> preference
preferenes -> preferences
preidction -> prediction
premultiplcation -> premultiplication
premultipled -> premultiplied
prepocessor -> preprocessor
prepositons -> prepositions
prepostions -> prepositions
pretious -> previous
previusly -> previously
prevoiusly -> previously
primiarily -> primarily
priortise -> prioritise
pripheral -> peripheral
privillege -> privilege
proabilities -> probabilities
probagation -> propagation
proceess -> process
processse -> processes
profilees -> profiles
prograaming -> programming
projecor -> projector
propagatex -> propagates, propagated
propagaton -> propagation
propertiess -> properties
propertis -> properties
propigated -> propagated
prorities -> priorities
prostprocessing -> postprocessing
proteced -> protected
provenence -> provenance
proviers -> providers
psoition -> position
ptotocol -> protocol
punctutation -> punctuation
quadrantic -> quadratic
qualifid -> qualified
quarternion -> quaternion
quaterions -> quaternions
quaternin -> quaternion
querried -> queried
ramdomly -> randomly
raquetball -> racquetball
reakpoint -> breakpoint
rearangement -> rearrangement
reauires -> requires
rebision -> revision
reccurrence -> recurrence
reckognize -> recognize
reconizing -> recognizing
reconstitue -> reconstitute
reconstruciton -> reconstruction
recostruct -> reconstruct
rectrangle -> rectangle
recurive -> recursive
redcue -> reduce
redering -> rendering
redirrect -> redirect
reelvant -> relevant
reevaled -> revealed
refacor -> refactor
regardnig -> regarding
regardsless -> regardless
regiister -> register
regisetr -> register
regisrers -> registers
regisster -> register
reistence -> resistance
relatvie -> relative
relcation -> relocation
relective -> reflective
reloactes -> relocates
reparametrization -> reparameterization
repititive -> repetitive
replcaing -> replacing
repositionning -> repositioning
represenst -> represents
reprogramms -> reprograms
reqiures -> requires
requestet -> requested
rereated -> recreated, rerated
reseletion -> reselection
resepctively -> respectively
resolvement -> resolution
restictions -> restrictions
restrction -> restriction
resuting -> resulting
retaired -> retired
retunring -> returning
returnng -> returning
reverible -> reversible
rgisters -> registers
rivision -> revision
rotationd -> rotation, rotations
roundinf -> rounding
roundtip -> roundtrip
rregister -> register
samaphore -> semaphore
samaphores -> semaphores
sanboxing -> sandboxing
scheudler -> scheduler
scollable -> scrollable
scramling -> scrambling
screenaver -> screensaver
scroling -> scrolling
secctors -> sectors
selecion -> selection
selectig -> selecting
selectrion -> selection
semamphore -> semaphore
semiphores -> semaphores
senteneces -> sentences
seqeunces -> sequences
sequenec -> sequence
sequentually -> sequentially
serializaable -> serializable
serializng -> serializing
severily -> severely
shapening -> sharpening
sharpning -> sharpening
sheduler -> scheduler
shiftd -> shifted, shifts
shinking -> shrinking
shortned -> shortened
shortuts -> shortcuts
siganls -> signals
signficance -> significance
signuature -> signature
silkcreened -> silkscreened
silksceened -> silkscreened
silksreened -> silkscreened
silscreened -> silkscreened
simpicity -> simplicity
simplfied -> simplified
simplifiyng -> simplifying
sinificant -> significant
sipplies -> supplies
sispect -> suspect
siwzzle -> swizzle
sllocation -> allocation
softare -> software
solutino -> solution
someties -> sometimes
sometmes -> sometimes
somewaht -> somewhat
soomewhat -> somewhat
specalised -> specialised
specalization -> specialization
specefies -> specifies
specifeid -> specified
specifiation -> specification
specifu -> specify
speciifer -> specifier
speicifed -> specified
spltting -> splitting
spruious -> spurious
srarted -> started
ssociate -> associate
stabalize -> stabilize
stablized -> stabilized
standad -> standard
standardd -> standard
standrad -> standard
startig -> starting
statese -> statuses, states
staticaly -> statically
steppign -> stepping
stero -> stereo
stetement -> statement
stictly -> strictly
storaged -> stored, storages
storate -> storage
stragger -> straggler, stagger
straiht -> straight, strait
streamining -> streaming
strean -> stream
structrually -> structurally
stylsheet -> stylesheet
subbmitted -> submitted
subclassess -> subclasses
subclasssing -> subclassing
subdivised -> subdivided
sublassing -> subclassing
subrotuines -> subroutines
subsequenct -> subsequent
substractions -> subtractions
substractive -> subtractive
succceed -> succeed
suggesiton -> suggestion
suggestinos -> suggestions
suitablity -> suitability
summariaztion -> summarization
superchager -> supercharger
supoprt -> support
supperts -> supports
supplie -> supplied, supplier, supply
supppress -> suppress
suppprt -> support
suppresing -> suppressing
supprts -> supports
surfcae -> surface
surrrogate -> surrogate
suspciously -> suspiciously
switcing -> switching
symplify -> simplify
synchonously -> synchronously
synchornization -> synchronization
synchrnoized -> synchronized
synchrnous -> synchronous
synchroize -> synchronize
synchrous -> synchronous
syncronizer -> synchronizer
synthesys -> synthesis
synthsize -> synthesize
sythesize -> synthesize
tansform -> transform
tarhet -> target
technial -> technical
tehnical -> technical
tenosr -> tensor
tenticles -> tentacles
teorem -> theorem
termnials -> terminals
terrritory -> territory
teturns -> returns
tetxure -> texture
textuer -> texture
theading -> threading
theoretial -> theoretical
theorician -> theoretician
theramin -> theremin
thicknessess -> thicknesses
thining -> thinking, thinning
thinkig -> thinking
thorwing -> throwing
threadad -> threaded
thumbanil -> thumbnail
tiebreakker -> tiebreaker
timesptamp -> timestamp
timestampes -> timestamps
timestimp -> timestamp
timestmp -> timestamp
tirgger -> trigger
toahiba -> toshiba
toggeled -> toggled
tokenizaiton -> tokenization
toplogical -> topological
topolgical -> topological
tosbiba -> toshiba
tramsition -> transition
trancation -> truncation
trancriptions -> transcriptions
trangles -> triangles
tranparency -> transparency
transitiosn -> transitions
translattable -> translatable
trasition -> transition
trength -> strength
trickyness -> trickiness
triditional -> traditional
tripples -> triples
troubleshoting -> troubleshooting
turaround -> turnaround
tyour -> your, tour
typograhic -> typographic
typographyc -> typographic
typorgapher -> typographer
typscript -> typescript
ucrrently -> currently
uhandled -> unhandled
ulrasonic -> ultrasonic
ultraound -> ultrasound
ummatched -> unmatched
unampped -> unmapped
unasigned -> unassigned
unchangeble -> unchangeable
uncoding -> encoding
uncoditionally -> unconditionally
uncoming -> upcoming, oncoming
uncomrpessed -> uncompressed
undefinded -> undefined
undelrying -> underlying
undercore -> underscore
unfortuately -> unfortunately
unidrectional -> unidirectional
unimplemened -> unimplemented
unimplemeted -> unimplemented
uninished -> unfinished
unintutive -> unintuitive
unispired -> uninspired
unistall -> uninstall
universiy -> university
unkknown -> unknown
unmaanaged -> unmanaged
unneeeded -> unneeded
unnoticable -> unnoticeable
unpriveleged -> unprivileged
unproccessed -> unprocessed
unqarantined -> unquarantined
unreadble -> unreadable
unrealiable -> unreliable
unreoverable -> unrecoverable
unresloved -> unresolved
unsgined -> unsigned
unspected -> unexpected
unspportable -> unsupportable
unsubcribe -> unsubscribe
unsuccessfuly -> unsuccessfully
unsuded -> unused, unsuited
unsupportd -> unsupported
unsuppoted -> unsupported
unsuppported -> unsupported
unsyncronized -> unsynchronized
unverfied -> unverified
unverifed -> unverified
unweildy -> unwieldy
upredictable -> unpredictable
useses -> uses
usnupported -> unsupported
usused -> unused
utiliies -> utilities
utiliizing -> utilizing
utitled -> untitled
vartices -> vertices
veature -> feature
versiona -> versions
versiond -> versions, versioned
vertbrae -> vertebrae
vertica -> vertical
verticel -> vertical
verything -> everything
vetical -> vertical
volatilty -> volatility
vulenrability -> vulnerability
wariors -> warriors
warnongs -> warnings
weighys -> weights
whatevr -> whatever
whitespcae -> whitespace
whitesspaces -> whitespaces
windowd -> windows, windowed
winodws -> windows
wlaking -> walking
workaroumd -> workaround
workench -> workbench
worksace -> workspace
workspae -> workspace
wormarounds -> workarounds
wraparround -> wraparound
wrappper -> wrapper
writtable -> writable

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kachick commented Oct 31, 2024

cosndier -> consider

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C-enhancement Category: Raise on the bar on expectations
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